I started to. First I was feeling out things I was feeling insecure about. My insecurities were pretty much confirmed. I decided that knowing if it is an A or EA doesn't even matter anymore. He is crossing lines with other women in front of people who know us (including our own children). Other women in his life get to know him in a way that he is not letting me know him. Does it even make a difference whether it is sexual or romantic? It is a slap in the face. I will be leaving piecing. I'm not really sure if I even want to bother with busting anymore. I'm done. But I might still come here for perspective. I was happiest when I was GAL, detached. I need to get back to that place.

40s 2teens M14Y
BD-10/12/13 rec-1/14
BD2-5/14 rec2-9/14
EA disc-10/14 4/15-BD 3 and triangulation ensues
Served with D6/15 MS forced to leave7/15
D agreement signed 8/16 final 5/17