Maybe quick background info would help? I'm very independent, strong career woman so certainly was unhappy but did not lose myself in the marriage. H is a quiet knight-in-shining-armor type of guy. He's not been acting like an 'alien' lately. He hardly goes out partying. He makes dinner several nights a week. He clears his plans usually with me & reminds me. He'll ask me if I need anything from the store. He watched the kids last night so I could go out with a friend. When I do nice things for him he thanks me. He could move into spare room but hasn't yet. He tells me most nights about his day.

If I keep waiting for him to bring up the R talk and don't tell him I love him....because of my past unloving behavior, isn't it possible he would wonder if I'm trying not because I love him but for the kids or other non-love reasons. I started out thinking this was a mlc...but his behavior is not like most of the mlc guys I read about here.