Originally Posted by Catman19
As much as my heart is still fighting me I understand that I cannot live in this constant state of limbo between heart and mind.


Cannot? Really? It’s impossible? Word choice colors your reality. If you say, and therefore reinforce, something is a “cannot be done” your mind will make it so.

Originally Posted by Catman19
It's an exhausting battle…

Yes it is.

And it’s a difficult one.

Not impossible.

Embrace limbo.

Embracing limbo does require realizing or setting the demarcation of one’s limbo. Limbo is only your romantic life. Hobbies, work, gal, fun, vacations, friends, family, God kids, movies, restaurants, gardening, housework, redecorating, remodelling, painting, and so on - all NOT limbo!

I suppose embracing limbo is actually embracing that which is not in limbo. Well, embracing both I suppose. smile

At any rate, yes it is a battle. Though why? Who are the participants in this battle? One so them is you. So, who are you fighting?

Of course, you are fighting yourself. Heart vs mind.

Divorced, a new country, doesn’t resolve this battle within.

Look to your deeply held beliefs and convictions. Those biases and prejudices are from a lifetime of experiences and interactions. Some are golden and some are ugly. Strengthen that which serves. Craft that which you aspire to. Discard or alter that which does not, or no longer serves.

“That which you aspire to.” What do you aspire?

Whole, healed, peace, contentment, acceptance, forgiveness?

Do you believe such? Deep down?

Discover, categorize, and organize your convictions. Those tenets of your life. Ensure you are satisfied with them and your direction of your growth. Does it serve? Ensure it does (make it so) and listen/follow your beliefs.

Those deep values are very slow to change, unlike feelings and thoughts. It’s this slowness that makes such convictions excellent heading for life (once they are organized). The foundation that can weather life’s storms.

The battle is with yourself. Fighting begets fighting. Employ a different tact. Embrace instead of fight. Let your beliefs lead your heart and life to peace.

You can live in limbo. “Can” allows choice. “Cannot” removes choice. You have choice. Do or do not.

As much as my heart is still fighting me I understand that I cannot do not want to live in this constant state of limbo between heart and mind.

This view/wording is open to more/different possibilities and opportunities for resolution. One of which is looking to what specifically is it that you do not want. You’ll likely find a piece of paper doesn’t assuage that.

Embrace your golden opportunity.

Choice. Choosing limbo makes it not limbo. That will sound odd, until it doesn’t.