I’m glad I finally hit home on something lol. I’m doing my best to give advice like you aren’t screwing with us, but Rock, I meant what I said. You have to be a stronger man to find a good woman.

Her coming back at this point, it just isn’t advisable. She hasn’t learned a darn thing, isn’t sorry, doesn’t want this anymore.

Rock what every single person doesn’t understand when they get here (and I am absolutely included in that) is though this new creature that’s rearing its head is new to you, it’s not to her. She was just hiding.

What every single person that initially comes here fails to see is, divorce busting isn’t for your partner, it’s for you!! No matter if you save the marriage you will save yourself. Now idk about you, but my ex sucked, but I was not the picture of a perfect husband so regardless if she came back or not I needed to work on me. My old marriage was over before I even knew it, literally. However, I still did the work and tried for myself and my kids.

Going on 4 years later, looking back on bomb day…man was I ugly crying that night lol, I’m so damn thankful I’m not in that marriage. Oh no, no I do not wanna spend every single freaking day wondering if this is coming again down the road. That’s who I am as a person, I would have tried to fix it, and went right on back to the old me and the old me would have spent a lot of time trying to be a private investigator. The trust was just gone and boy it wasn’t coming back and quite frankly who wants to live like that? Not me. But others are different and can move on from that, so I do try to help.

Here’s the kicker Rock, no one said 5 years down the line you wouldn’t reconnect after time apart, time to move on, time to change, time to be appreciative of what we have and not what we don’t. Maybe she’ll learn the grass isn’t greener on the other side, maybe she’ll learn it’s greenest where you water it. Maybe she won’t but as long as you are out there living your best life it doesn’t matter if she does or doesn’t.

I suggest lawyers for you, because having one and using it would be a 180 and show her you took them out of her purse when she wasn’t looking. Absolutely no one said you can’t file and than take it back if you both want too. Just one man’s opinion.