So this last weekend he referred to himself as my husband for the first time in 16 months and the next day introduced me as his wife twice to people he works with for the first time in a long time. I will take those as wins. still doing covert controlling behaviors and will walk past me many times even if I am speaking to him like I am not there but I am trying to look at progress in months not days. we are defiantly better than we were. When he was first coming around he was really good and then fell of to the baiting and controlling but even the 8 stages book says they will do that.

The odd thing is that i am seeing so many personalities in him right now. he is so so confused and is making mistakes in every day things that he was so ocd about all of his life. it is odd but I am just giving space and time right now. I know I will not live in this limbo Hell forever but for now I am working on me and will see if he will catch up or not.