This is a business, a trademark, and a site featuring, promoting and selling copyrighted content. You would not walk into say, an aromatherapy business and create a scene because you can't buy motor oil. If you did, the owner would be within his rights to remove you. Go next door to the auto supply store and you don't even have to ask where they keep the motor oil, it will jump out at you.

Aren't all the old posts archived? They aren't active threads. Why would you still not be able to find them? Does it ruin your jam if your conversations are in a private group instead of a public one? Does the name of the banner at the top of the section matter?

Children in a sandbox need rules. Don't eat the sand. Don't throw it in each other's eyes. Don't bury people in it. Some things are contextual, temporal and situational. Back when we had a real supreme court and they grappled with defining pornography Justice Potter Stewart famously said "I know it when I see it." Sometimes that is the best and only explanation we are given.

Yes, it is interesting that they don't want to answer your questions (and humorous to me that they use circular reasoning to avoid doing so). But also interesting is that you are so insistent that they do. Sometimes the non-answer is the answer. Sometimes things happen to us in life that we have no control over, seem very ill-conceived, and are without explanation. Sound familiar? How do we respond to that? If it involves a mouse and his cheese, we are told some will sit and do nothing and die of starvation, some will whine and complain and then go look for the cheese, and some will just say hey, there is no more cheese here, I'd better go find some more.