Oh my gosh, Stella. I just got caught up. What a sickening revelation. As others have stated, you did nothing to cause this and you are right that x has many demons you likely will never understand. Regardless, it is so traumatic for you, who kind of has to essentially unpack and process all of that.

Agree with others, let the lawyers handle everything. A good attorney Is worth their weight in good especially when you’re dealing with someone a little unhinged. As I was told 100,000,000 times here from the kind folk on this board, this is a business deal gone south and has to be approached as such.

I hope the surgery recovery is easy quick.

I discovered my magic potion to sleep.... these cbd and melatonin drops that have been lifesavers. I’ve never done any drugs and cbd scared me at first so I found a kind that had zero THC. It definitely takes the edge off and gives such a restful sleep with no grogginess in the am.

Also the calm app has these cool bed time stories for adults... I’ve yet to hear a full one.