Good Morning Catman

Originally Posted by Catman19
It really hit me like a ton of bricks


There are a significant moments like that during the process. Moments of stark emotional realization and clarity.

Intellectually one knows, yet it takes some time to emotionally understand it. The process of grief. Some of one’s journey is still shrouded in denial, other parts in anger or bargaining, yet for other bits one is lost in depression.

Originally Posted by Catman19
Acceptance being the most difficult part of this process

Eventually, bit by bit, the various facets traverse through the stages of grief and become accepted. Finding acceptance is quite difficult, yet in and of itself acceptance is, next to denial, the easiest stage. Most of my efforts and struggles were in the depression stage.

Bargaining was a weird stage. Hanging on to the last thread of the old normal. When that thread is cut, when one realizes that, has that moment of emotional clarity, feels it, well the letting go of the old usually is the herald of the depression stage. Those moments hit like a ton of bricks.

By the way, the stages of grief are not linear. One usually, overall, processes the stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - in order. However, we exist in all stages simultaneously. Different facets of our situation in different stages based upon our emotions of that particular facet. Therefore, depending on what facet bubbles to the surface, we move from one stage to another, and back again. Eventually, all facets do become accepted, and we exit grief.

Originally Posted by Catman19
hopes that might have been present before have suddenly vanish and an overwhelming sadness has taken over.


Another hug for you. Been there man.

Letting go the old normal and entering more of depression. Perfect healthy progress. Don’t rush it. Listen to what your grief is teaching you. Time is your companion, not an adversary on this journey. Grow and become.

Stay strong man.