Originally Posted by Lb23
Thank you - I have already been hitting the gym hard for months even before and results are showing. Bought some new clothes and still looking at more. Even got a compliment from one of the female friends of my wife's today while she was there.

I bought the book that you mentioned and am busy reading it. Need to look a bit more into my behaviours around her and look how I start drawing her out from behind her defensive walls.

She remains distant towards me but appears for the time being to no longer question the family unit, which she did before.
- She came out on an outing with me and the kids today
- She is coming with us on Easter holidays to my family (even if she feels uncomfortable as she knows they are aware)
- She looked into family summer holidays on her own after having pushed back 6 weeks ago when I brought it up
- She is making some longer-term around the house and even the family potentially moving

She did speak to me a fair bit today to get my advice regarding a friend whom she is struggling with, and about getting a coach to help her in setting up her own business. She needs money for this and I have been supportive as I do want her to be able to get to an independent position where she can take care of herself. I am a bit confused on the balance between being a friend and establishing some level of consequence for being "sacked".

Booked the trip I mentioned the last time. Looking at spending more time with single friends, and have reached out to a couple of female friends to get perspectives around relationships, behaviours, etc

Count how many times you used the word "she".

Your goal should be zero. Lot more of I and Me and "the kids".