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#588545 11/26/05 03:24 PM
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MIDLIFE for Dummies

Welcome to the wonderful world of Mid Life Crisis!! You are about to embark on one of the most perilous journey's you have ever taken. A journey fraught with intrigue and guaranteed to turn you inside out! This book is designed to help you make sure you get the most emotional bang for your buck. In these pages are the "how to" answers to the questions you have been asking yourself about damaging as many people as you can along the way. Come on and dig in, it's time to get this Roller coaster rolling on down the tracks!!

Chapter 1
Choosing the correct speech

There are 4 basic speeches for you to choose from. They are:

a) I love you but I don't know if I'm in love with you.

b) I've never loved you, and we should never have gotten married.

c) We got married to young. I never knew anything besides you.

d) You tricked me into marrying you, I would never have done it otherwise.

Once you have decided on which speech to give, you need to cause as much anxiety in your spouse as you can before you actually give it. Continue to the next chapter for Lessons in building anxiety.

Chapter 2
Lessons in building anxiety

You will find these lessons to be helpful in causing anxiety in your spouse and others (depending on the level of pain and damage you want to cause), not just prior to giving the speech, but throughout your MLC.

Lesson 1
Monstrification of your Spouse

This is easy to accomplish. Simply think of only the "bad" things that your spouse has done throughout your entire relationship. Have one of those "angel" spouses? No problem, just remember how bad she always makes you feel. DO NOT under any circumstances remember fondly your spouse, or anything they have done for you. Remember, they are going to be the cause of all of your problems, so it is imperative that you convince your self of this first.

Lesson 2
Emotional Detachment

This will be very easy to do after accomplishing lesson 1. All you have to do is start reminding yourself that you don't care about them, what they feel, what they want, or if they hurt. Simple! Every time you remind yourself of this, you will get further and further away from your relationship emotionally. Now, that wasn't too hard was it? On to lesson 3

Lesson 3
Mass confusion and Indecision

This lesson requires a little more thought and attention. You must constantly practice saying "I don't know" to ANY and ALL questions. That is imperative!! Your spouse (and others) must never know precisely what is going on in-side your head. Also, never let them know where you are going, where you have been, who you were with (this will go hand in hand with the lesson on the Other Person, or OP), or whether or not they can expect you to return home.

Lesson 4
Lies and Deceit

To get the most damage, and cause the most pain, you must lie and decieve at every opportunity. And to really achieve hall of fame status, you should be very inept at it, so that everyone knows that you are lying, or suspects, but can't prove it initially. This works very well for the following chapters, OP and Cake Eating.

Chapter 3
The Other Person (or OP)

Now it is time for you to succumb to temptation. You KNOW all of those other women/men want you! They have been coming on to you for years!! It is time for you to give them their chance at having some of you. Make sure that you leave a very confusing trail for your spouse to follow. One that lets them suspect, but have to dig and sneak (to make them feel worse about themselves) to find the information they need to prove it. Hold out admitting the affair as long as you can, and don't admit it ever, if you can get away with it.

Chapter 4
Cake Eating

This chapter is designed to string your spouse along in uncertainty as long as possible, because as long as they have hope, they won't be able to go out and find their own lives and be fulfilled. Why should they get to do that, while you are so miserable? They shouldn't!! So, make sure that you are affectionate occasionally (not too often, as this will raise anxiety levels), that you drag your feet about making a decision on the marriage, and that you leave and come back several times (as many as you can get away with).

Chapter 5

History Revision

It is very important that you revise the life you have lead with your spouse. You must use words like: Always, Ever, Never and All of the Time. Always precede the statement with the terms: you, I, and we. As in "you always nag me" "I never ever (double bonus here) get to do what I want" and "We have to do what you want all of the time". This will help to make your spouse feel like the way you are behaving is all their fault, and can cause them to feel even worse about themselves than they already did!!

Chapter 6
It's all about you!!

Remember this is all about you! What you want and need, RIGHT NOW! You shouldn't have to wait until you can afford something, just go on out and get it! You deserve a new haircut, new clothes, and some new toys. You've worked for it. You would probably look great in that new Convertible, or on that new Harley!! So don't hesitate! You live in the here and now! So why wait until tomorrow!!

Remember, the word is CRISIS and if you are in one, EVERYONE else should have to ride the Roller coaster with you! It's no fun taking a ride alone, and you know what they say about misery loving company! Go on out there and get started, so much pain and damage, and so little time!

Chapter 7
Avoid, Ignore, and Run Away

This chapter is to help you deal with the problems that your spouse will try to cause. We don't want you to have to "deal" with anything, now do we? You shouldn't have to "think" about any "issues" right now, except those that concern you "feeling good". The best way to handle this, is to Avoid, Ignore, and Run Away. Any time someone tries to make you see a more "reasonable" stance on a subject, simply Avoid making a reply...stare out into space, as if you are thinking about something important, and they will become uncomfortable and leave you alone. If there are responsibilities that need your attention, simply ignore them. You don't have to do anything you don't feel like doing. And the best for last is Run Away! This can be accomplished in many different ways. OP's can help you Run Away from all of these "problems" as well as Alcohol, Drugs, New Sports Cars....etc the list is endless. Of course, you can always just leave...but remember not to let them know where you are going, and if you'll be back!!

Chapter 8
MC and Therapists:

Your spouse may ask you to go to counseling with her/him. This is only useful to make them feel better. It cannot possibly have anything to you so there is no reason for you to follow-up with anything suggested--it doesn't matter to you. The only thing you should look for is more reasons (excuses) for avoiding, running and ignoring (see previous chapter).

Chapter 9
I Don't have to if I Don't Want to and You Can't Make Me!

Remember that this is about YOU, and what YOU want and how YOU feel!! No one else is important, so don't let them make you feel as if you have to listen to anything they say. Your spouse will try to help you of course, because they love you. Don't let them get away with giving you unwanted advice. Let them know in the teenage vernacular, that they can't make you do anything. This is important, you must be as childish as possible!! Any truly adult behavior on your part will only convince them that you are listening to what they are saying, and you will have to start back at the beginning. Of course, this technique can be used knowingly to cause more confusion and chaos, just beware of the danger, you don't actually want to start acting like an adult!!

Chapter 10
"How to threaten" and/or "How do move out".

You threaten to move out for weeks or months but you don't. (*)You tell your spouse that you got too much on your plate right now to look for a flat but that you will do so in 2 weeks time. After 2 weeks, repeat from (*).

If your wife wants to come too close to you, like entering your bedroom to talk to you, tell her to stay away or you will move out. When she replies that you will move out anyway tell her that you will move out faster if she comes any closer

Chapter 11
Art of Clinging

The Art of Clinging to the End of the Mattress without falling off the matrimonial bed while still sharing it with your spouse.

Chapter 12
Advanced lessons

This is usually reserved for those in more difficult situations, where the LBS has responded not by tossing you out, threatening to leave, or filing for divorce, but instead persists in not only OFFERING to cooperate, but actually MAKING THE CHANGES you said you needed.

"I am tired of living like this/I don't want to live like this anymore/I am not going to live my life like this?" often is coupled with another advanced tactic, "It's not you, it's me".

This line is most effective AFTER the LBS has jumped through hoops and bent over backwards. It basically confirms that no matter what changes the LBS is willing to make, the incompatibility lies within the MLCer, who has no intention of, or implied desire or ability to, compromise.



1. When confronted by the evidence of an EA or PA, become very indignant. Stress that the LBS is obviously just a jealous sob/bi*ch, and you are entitled to "buddies" of the opposite sex.

2. Never, ever answer the question, "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" with a direct answer that might actually lead to a discussion that might help the marriage. Continue to never talk to spouse, never give her/him a personal compliment or touch of affection and by all means work on the "cling to the edge of the mattress to avoid touching" manoeuvre that is so successful in making your spouse crazy.

3. Always bear in mind that your spouse will expect you to want to at least give them the chance to "fix" the marriage. Since you have already checked out emotionally (of course NEVER tell them that!), you are under no obligation to actually listen to anything they say or acknowledge anything they do. This tactic is also extremely beneficial when they employ the MLC diet. When they lose a massive amount of weight and you are in ear shot of someone who mentions to spouse about the weight loss, say "Are you losing weight? Why don't you ever tell me things?"

4. Of course one of the most successful ways to drive them crazy may only be used when you have earned the MLC Black Belt. Go to marriage counselling for months, let them pour out their soul to you and the counsellor and let them believe they are actually accomplishing something. Then arrange things so the spouse finds you in your own home with OP. This will accomplish two things: a. She will finally have to understand how lucky you are to have found your "soul mate" and b. She will be doubly betrayed because she thought you were actually working on the marriage.


1. Make negative comments about OP or the chances that the relationship with OP will succeed. HOWEVER, under no circumstances, make any commitment to end the relationship with OP.

2. Make veiled hints about suicide or excessive drinking or drug use. Be erratic and hard to contact.

3. Do random acts of kindness such as yard work or something. That will keep your spouse confused and hopeful.

4. Make vague comments hinting that things might work out between you and your spouse IN THE FUTURE. HOWEVER, under no circumstances take any actions to work anything out.

Using the kids to your advantage.

If you have children, they can be extremely useful for inducing fear and panic in your spouse. Recommended phrases include, "You're poisoning my kids against me", "You put that idea into their heads", and "You need to do [insert pertinent action here] for the sake of the kids'." Remember, your spouse, being a responsible and loving person, is not only trying to cope with his/her own feelings, but trying to protect the children, and you can use that to your advantage.

Don't forget to use the fact that if you spend any time with your kids, you should get Extra Credit Bonus Good Parent points from your spouse. It doesn't matter if you feed them ice cream for breakfast and have them watch "Hellboy" when they asked for "Veggie Tales", you Just Wanted To Make Them Happy, and since YOU are the best judge of Happiness, that makes you Super Parent. You can use this opportunity to trash talk your spouse ("Isn't this more fun than what Mommy/Daddy would let you do?" "Mom/Dad doesn't know how to relax.") which of course, will be repeated back to your spouse so you get the benefit of destroying their self-esteem second hand.

Highly advanced MLCers may want to start casually using the word Custody, but be very, very careful. While useful for sending your spouse into a state of panic, you certainly do not want to be responsible for a bunch of kids who will seriously cut into your personal fun time. The word Custody should only be used in a casual tone of voice for the most devastating effect.


You (the mlcer) know a lot about your spouse. You know what pushes their buttons to get them both upset and/or happy. You have the power, you can do it! So using the kids to upset them is fair game (see section on how to use "custody" to upset them but not take on the "custody"). And if that ever stops working, find something else. Suggestions might include pets, valuables in the home, their appearance, family, career. Nothing is out of your reach since you have put in so many years getting to know your spouse--use what you know.


By now, you should be aware that all of this MUST be your spouses fault, however, your spouse may not understand this completely yet, so you need to start planting the seeds.

There are several ingenious ways to put the blame on your spouse, and we will be exploring them all.

Method 1: The Non-Blame Statement

I'm trying not to blame YOU

This statement implies that you are "not putting the blame on them" but on closer look (which your spouse is guaranteed to be doing) The words actually put all of the blame on the spouse (where of course we know it belongs).

Method 2: The Passive Blame Statement

I don't think that I can live with you.
My opinion never mattered to you.
I cant' live like this.
We rarely have fun anymore.
I don't want to live this way anymore.
(There are many more I'm sure you can think of)

These are passive statements that don't actually assign blame to your spouse, but your spouse will definitely get the idea if you use them. They can't help but see that it MUST be them that makes you feel this way.

Method 3: The Direct Blame Statement

You never listen to me.
You never put creases in my pants.
You use bagged salad.
You never keep the house clean.
You are going to do it your way.

All of these are direct statements of blame. You should mix actual faults with things that don't really matter to make it more confusing, and make your spouse feel as bad as possible about themselves.

Your spouse has probably already started doing the hard work to look inside his/herself (Yuck, what an awful thought!) and will take on all of the faults you list to try and correct them. This will keep them occupied for awhile, and you can avoid any serious relationship talks while they apologize for and try to fix all of their own faults. Make sure that you don't actually accept the apology, that way you can continue to bring the fault up which will slow down their self improvement process. Remember, they are working on becoming better human beings, and you wouldn't want that to happen to fast, as that would interfere with your ability to string them along.


let's not forget "We're just incompatible - we always were."

Also, when the LBS starts to make changes, make SURE you find fault with these changes, or point out how it's "too little, too late", or wasn't what you meant AT ALL. If all else fails, put the LBS down for being so willing to change herself for your needs. Also, when the LBS starts to make changes, make SURE you find fault with these changes, or point out how it's "too little, too late", or wasn't what you meant AT ALL."

How to keep you spouse mean one minute threatening divorce, etc then next day be kind and sweet almost the way your spouse remembers you..rinse repeat....


1. Even though by now you, dear MLCer, have done everything human possibly to convince your spouse that you do not love him/her and want out, when the time comes to actually file, DON"T DO IT! This is the coup de gras of MLC. Absolutely DO NOT TAKE THE INITIATIVE. This is a most vital and awesome crazy-maker. Holding out will force your by now totally devastated spouse to finally throw up his/her hands and seek legal counsel.

2. Once the LBS has had enough and decides that divorce is in their best interest, you have won HUGE points here. Refusing to be the one to file now puts YOU in the role of victim, bringing you all the attention and pity necessary to allow you to again regain your image of the abused one in all this. Now you can, with absolutely NO guilt, tell everyone the divorce was your LBS's idea (which of COURSE it was!) and they will assume that: a. the LBS lost all that weight and obviously has been involved in an affair, and b. the marriage ended because your LBS spouse is going through a - YES! THE PINNACLE OF CRAZINESS! - Midlife Crisis!!

#588546 11/26/05 03:30 PM
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I really thought that was funny, sad, but true.
I actually sent it to a couple of my friends who have been thinking that maybe it really is a MLC,and my WAS is not really a major jerk.
I still find it so strange that they ALL have the same damn script.
It blows my mind. I mean, where do they come up with this lingo? It really is like some aliens reprogrammed their minds and brainwashed them with all of the same things.
Thank you for sharing.

There can be no testimony without a test.
I am praying to go through this test and come out the other end with a new and better marriage then before.
#588547 11/26/05 03:46 PM
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I still find it so strange that they ALL have the same damn script.

That's what keeps me going. There is a science to the madness.

caverna's thread VII
#588548 02/19/06 05:47 AM
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Sort of makes me sick to my H is now at a point where he seems to be returning to normal but there are still parts to the script that he is doing.....(sigh)

It really is incredible how "scientific" MLC is.....and yes, there is some solice knowing that they aren't just being total jerk off's but that they have been taken over by the MLC alien virus and are out of their own control....


Happy and together
#588549 02/19/06 11:44 AM
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This is the TRUEST thing Ive ever read on these boards.

Its classic! Would you mind if I posted this on "Survivng"?


My ex-Husband bought me a mood ring so he could monitor my moods. When Im in a good mood it turns green. When Im in a bad mood it leaves a big red mark on his forehead. Maybe next time the B****** will buy me a diamond.
#588550 02/19/06 01:25 PM
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Have you been spying on me? That was my script. Notice I said was, but I didn't file for the big D neither did my wife.

#588551 02/19/06 02:04 PM
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I wish I could show this to my W. Funny thing is, she would probably turn it all around as acceptable behavior, just as she has done everything else. Their interpretation of the issues is just the opposite of everyone elses interpretation.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
#588552 02/19/06 04:18 PM
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Oh, and then there's the "we never had real CHEMISTRY"

And "the kids will be okay as soon as they see we're both happy SEPARATELY" How DARE she speak for me....

I'm coming to see how unbelievably stereotypical her behavior is... She's not even ORIGINAL!!!

OH, and a couple of days after she moved out so she could have time to "think by herself" she started sleeping w/ OM; 11 days after she moved out she took the kids to dinner and a movie w/ OM.... "They know him, they like him and everybody had a good time and got along fine so what's the problem?" "You're the only one that has a problem w/ this"

hahahahhaha or at least it would be funny except it isn't.

Last edited by DavidM; 02/19/06 04:21 PM.

#588553 02/19/06 08:19 PM
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Wow, no wonder it takes so long to get from "that" to the "awakening" if it ever even happens. It's a complete reversal.


#588554 02/19/06 10:41 PM
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I'm with Faithandhope, this is funny ,but sad and oh so true. These mlcers are all sing from the same song sheet.
I showed it to a friend of mine who asked if my H was in mlc, her H has just moved out for the 3rd time at her request. Her reaction: my god, this is me!

#588555 02/20/06 04:48 AM
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This is the TRUEST thing Ive ever read on these boards.

Its classic! Would you mind if I posted this on "Survivng"?

Its actually been around for quite some time, a few years at least, if I am not mistaken it even was "written" by somoene on the board, Its a classic and the first thing I printed out when I came on the board. Its good to repost for newbies as it gives a smile.

** Karen ** ** Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life **
#588556 02/20/06 05:59 AM
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I am quite literally in shock over the 'script'.
I too feel relieved (if you can call it that) that I am not alone. It's just so mind blowing that this happens on such a massive scale. Oh boy am I ever dreading what lays ahead...

#588557 02/27/06 02:37 AM
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I just came across this post, and.... I am just speechless. What is this, a black plague of the 21st century?

My STBXH thinks NO ONE understands him as HIS CASE is so unique....!!! He was just reading off of this script!!! LOL!

Thanks for posting this. I wish I could show this to him, but OF COURSE he won't take it, as I am such a b**** to even suggest that HE has the problem!!!

#588558 02/27/06 03:08 PM
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Would it do any good to forward the original post here to the WAS? I know, probably not, but if she would just read it, it might help, not alot, but it might.

Its sad how accurate it seems, I think I got almost all of the first 4 lines, IDLY, NSHMY ect...

Well damn...



It's time to Cowboy UP...So remember Semper FI and grab ahold and hang on tight, we are in for a one hellufa wild ride.
#588559 02/27/06 07:09 PM
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Boy when I read the script it was liking it was written for my WAH. I got the ILYBNILWY speech,
then all the things I needed to change,
the crumbs of being nice then being mean,
The don't touch me detachment stage
Agreeing to be open minded about US then changing his mind knowing he is happier w/o ME and all the changes I make are "too little too late".
We must be in the OW stage now. I found an envelope in his truck with a woman's name on it. I saw inside it was someone pay stub from work at a bar he played at 3 weeks ago. So I guess that is the set up to let me know he's seeing someone but still trying to hide it probably knowing I would walk by and look in his truck.

So many things are written write in this script. Of course yes, he must fullfill the fantazies of the women who WANT him because whomever will fulfill all his wishes. I, of course, after 15 yrs didn't.
Oh and the asking my DS what I say about him and telling him crap about him being unhappy for the last 3-5 yrs whenever he tells you the time frame always changes. Oh even told my DS that he couldn't stand the fighting and how I made him miserable so he had to leave.

What an eye opener. When you call them on anything they turn it around on you and cut your personality down to BUILD themselves up to the point that some of the things they say are so silly you LOL later. Mine actually told me "I'm ________(town) next hot commodity you know".
Give me a break. I should have said I needed to leave then because there wasn't enough space in the room for ME and his EGO!

Thanks for the insight...............

#588560 04/01/06 10:47 PM
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Midlife for Dummies

All so true.
My favorite is Chapter 11. The Art of Clinging to the edge of the mattress without falling out. My H has that one mastered. Now instead of feeling so rejected , I just laugh to myself.

#588561 04/18/06 08:47 PM
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Wow, I just realized this is the place where I need to be. I have heard almost 100% of every statment made in the "handbook" so true (and so funny)! Thank you!

M 7/97
S 5/05
D 8/06
Both 33 years old
No kids

#588562 04/18/06 08:54 PM
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Do you have a link to your original thread?


To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
- David Viscott

#588563 04/18/06 09:10 PM
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Not sure how to do that. It is "Detaching - and moving on with impact" over on the Seperated boards. Would appreciate any insight. Never thought about her having a MLC at 31.

M 7/97
S 5/05
D 8/06
Both 33 years old
No kids

#588564 04/18/06 11:27 PM
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Here is my thread. I figured it out this afternoon!

M 7/97
S 5/05
D 8/06
Both 33 years old
No kids

#588565 05/15/06 06:16 PM
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Dear Smurf and all who are dealing w/ MLCers:
THANK YOU for this. Midlife for Dummies is so weirdly accurate. I am wondering whether to print it out and send it to H. Ideas anyone? Probably bad one, but for a minute, it'd feel great.

I would like to add to the symptoms and maybe offer some "secret decoding".


Overly used mlc phrases/words and their Real Meanings:

MLC says "we can work this out" which actually means, LBS can take the crap from MLC and not do whatever it is MLC does not wish LBS to do, such as file for D rather than waiting around for MLC, until if and when MLC feels like coming back. ALso, the phrase is great for causing false hope in LBS, or at least lots of confusion. Very effective "yo-yo" phrase. MLC also repeats use of "we" but means only you. AND IF you (LBS) do file for D due to lengthy marital torture, it is Not MLC's fault, it's the LBS's fault for "throwing in the towel," when all MLC needed was space (like say, 3000 miles) and time (like 2 or more years) since MLC was obviously trying to "make things work out." This is further evidence that LBS is impatient, selfish and too negative, and clearly does not want to work on M.

MORE ADVICE FOR THE MLCer RE: LYING IN GENERAL, OR WHAT TO SAY WHEN CAUGHT LYING: MLC: THINK AHEAD. When thinking about lying, only do so whenever it benefits you in any way, Or confuses spouse. Tell truth about unimportant topics and use those statements as proof that LBS is paranoid or ungrateful or a nag, when he/she does not believe your lies, etc. IF caught, DENY. If useless to deny, then claim you were Forced to lie (but never use the word "lie" itself, use euphemisms, "not lying, just didn't tell all facts..." or "not lying, you didn't ask right question".. etc) and blame LBS because God knows YOU WOULD NEVER LIE IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO. LBS made you "withold the full truth" by LBS being hurt every time you "witheld" or "inadvertently mislead" in the past. Their pain was an overreaction and they were "wrong to feel" their emotions, let alone share them with you. Whatever it is you had to lie about, was their fault.


Remember that mc or T, or your minister, and or your friends may tell you that you are not completely justified, or worse, that you are doing something "off" or "crazy" or , God forbid, "selfish/wrong." That is only BECAUSE SPOUSE HAS BRAINWASHED THESE PEOPLE TO TURN AGAINST YOU. If those people Knew how it felt to be you, then they would all agree with how right you are, because YOU are "right" and that is the most important thing to remember, no matter what it costs. ALSO, if certain consequences occur that might appear related to your choices, such as bankruptcy after you quit your job to find/improve yourself, or spent on things that only you use or like, remember you deserved those things and if LBS had been supportive, you'd be rich. Or if moved and now living far away from family seems to be causing alienation from kids, blame spouse for bad mouthing you unfairly.

No way would the kids be effected by you Not seeing them much, nor would that ever change how they view you. In fact, merely calling them on the phone when you feel like it, is more than generous of you. You've paid bills for years and THE KIDS OWE YOU a lot more gratitude for all the time you've put into your job/career. Working so much was never about feeding Your starving ego. No, the overtime and long hours and missed holidays/birthdays (but always making time for work related things-YOU had to be responsible) was really FOR THEM. THERE ARE NO NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF YOUR CHOICES. If it seems that way, it's due to bad mouthing by LBS and/or brainwashing and/or idiots not understanding your vision. There is NO connection between how differently family/friends see you now, and anything you have said or done now or in the past.

More Torture Tips for the MLCers:

Be sure to discuss your new job/living arrangements/geographic change/new place/relationship/new friends, with your Spouse as often and excitedly as possible. IF spouse cries, or is hurt or angered by this, remind Spouse that this is why you "lied" or had to sometimes "mislead" them, and why you likely will always withold information. It's their fault, due to their constant "overreactions."

Well, I just wanted to add my 2 cents And to thank you for writing or printing this, 'cuz it totally made me remember something so important right now: I am not alone.

M: 57 H: 60
M: 35 yrs
H off to Alaska 2006
Recon 7/07- 8/08
X = "ALASKA 2.0"
I File D 10/16
DIV 2/26/2018
X marries OW 5/2016

Embrace the Change
#588566 05/18/06 08:26 PM
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wow this just described my husband to a T.But,he's not in a mlc or so he say's and the 24 year old ow is not a part of that.he was planing to leave me and the kids anyways.It's not how it looks.but ,it is just how it looks..It's all about them and they dont care who they hurt along the way.What hurt's me the most is the the hurt and these men dont even care..

#588567 05/19/06 03:14 AM
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Wow, I've actually gotten three of the four speeches in Chapter One (we didn't get married too young, or I'm sure I'd have heard that one, too). And of course much of the rest of this, too. Too sad.

built4speed My Saga
"How others deal with the gifts you've given is not your decision, but theirs." - Richard Bach
#588568 05/19/06 04:08 AM
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I wouldn't use the term MLC to one of them. THat implies fault and lack of insight in them and cliched self absorbed actions of theirs. You keep forgetting my dear LBS, this is YOUR fault, and or He MUST do this because He deserves to be happy---but you keep interfering. You are the selfish one and H is the misunderstaood Victim. welcome to our world, and Good luck, jch

M: 57 H: 60
M: 35 yrs
H off to Alaska 2006
Recon 7/07- 8/08
X = "ALASKA 2.0"
I File D 10/16
DIV 2/26/2018
X marries OW 5/2016

Embrace the Change
#588569 05/26/06 01:17 AM
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Well, there is no question whatsoever that I am yet another LBS with an MLC husband, age 45, about 2 years into his MLC. I can relate to absolutely every word contained here... funny but SAD.

I've dealt with all the speeches, detachment, lies and more lies, girlfriend who can't survive without my husband, cake eating, major revisions of history, avoid/ignore/runaway, therapy, 'I don't have to if I don't want to and you can't make me' (just heard that one 30 minutes ago), moving out, clinging, self-absorbtion, 'you're poisoning my kids against me', and even the BLAME game. I've even dealt with the suicide threats, and my husband's best friend he was confiding in daily killing himself.

So... my question. Since my MLC husband has absolutely no recognition whatsoever that he's in a MLC (because of course his crazy behavior is all my fault)... should us LBSers share this 'MidLife for Dummies' and show our MLCer who he really is? Or is it totally off-limits to actually show this to our MLCer? I'm curious what others have done!

#588570 05/26/06 03:44 AM
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Thank you for those additions. Have/had to deal w/some of them too. Good to know it's 'not just me'.


#588571 05/26/06 12:09 PM
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Great addition -- I'm in tears I am laughing so hard, and yes, I have pretty much seen all of that! Great stuff!

Strange what I find funny these days, but you really do have to have a warped sense of humor as a LBS...

#588572 05/27/06 04:18 PM
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It is best not to share the information here.....I can see how they would then just classify all of us LBS's as a bunch of nuts who drove our spouses away and now need something to blame it on....

They would probably even deny they have said, done, acted, reacted, and other fitting verbs....anything like what we describe....just as how they re-write history they re-write themselves as they go along....

Have you heard this? "I am not a bad person!"....okay, what good man leaves his adoring wife and children???

H is back with me but I am having a hard time maybe I am not the best to respond to things....I just keep thinking as I did will get better, it will get has to get better!


Happy and together
#588573 09/23/06 08:19 AM
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This is so spot on with my sitch.

I agree it would not be worth showing it to the WAS, they would just laugh and say it was YOU that is like this.

Can someone be in MLC for 7 years or more. If they abuse alcohol does this prolong the agony?


if we can be sufficient to ourselves, we need fear no entangling webs
Erica Jong
#588574 09/23/06 01:35 PM
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I would most definitely think that could prolong the see it keeps them from facing dulls the senses....stunts the emotional growth that is needed to yeah, if a "normal" MLC can be 3-5 years I don't see why one affected with alcohol couldn't last much longer...
I can say that certain areas improved when my H quit drinking....later he found out he had diabetes which I also think hampered his ability to heal best I can tell his MLC has been 5 years so far....while he is back home he is still not back to normal yet but things are improving..
I wish you the best!


Happy and together
#588575 09/29/06 03:40 AM
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Possible addition to the manual; I wonder if anyone has heard this one??

"I love you too much to do the things that would make you leave".

In other words, just to prove to you how good I am, I've restrained myself from (whatever.....) but I STILL want you to get the h*** out of here.

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#588576 09/29/06 02:32 PM
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Thanks for this post...have not been here for awhile and focused on other things when my WAW was having EA with OM. Now 3 yrs later, that is over but she appears to have MLC. Yes, I agree this post reads like a script. I also take comfort that it seems scientific and transitional.

She's threatened to move out lately and has given up her grip on the mattress by moving to the guest b-room.

I'm focusing on myself now, trying to avoid R-talks etc.

Wish me luck and I'll pray for all of you.

2d Marriage-BD 22 Jan 13
M 46 W 39-Married 6 months/together 3 yrs
Seperated by military (both on AD)
No Kids Together--W-D1(12), D2(10): Me-D1(14)
Divorced 24 Apr 13
#588577 09/29/06 06:26 PM
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I have to confess to involuntarily snorting with laughter when I read the section in the dummies manual about edge-of-the-matress-clinging. You want to say "oh Puh-LEASE just get a decent night's sleep, instead of this grim, silent protest...! Like, I GET THE MESSAGE!!". But you don't, and you just lie there in silence, inches away from someone you love so profoundly that it hurts....

Last edited by peterD; 09/29/06 06:29 PM.

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#588578 09/29/06 06:46 PM
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Can anyone give me guidance on this one? How to react, what (or what not) to say??

Me, to about-to-be WAW whom I suspect is in MLC: [timescale, approx 2 months post-bomb.]

"Look, this is your decision to end things. It's not what I want".


"No, YOU actually ended it by being so self absorbed over all those years" [etc etc].

This from someone whose last year's birthday card to me reads: For My beloved P, thanks for being you, and being mine, with all my love, M.

But now all my "self-absorbtion" and other supposed marriage-busting sins have been back-dated about 3-4 years.

I'm getting countless mixed messages like this.

Thoughts, anyone?

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#588579 09/29/06 11:25 PM
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I've always thought the best/most non-defensive reply is "I never meant to hurt you". Anything defensive is wrong. I have little luck convincing WAW/MLC wife I deserve forgiveness. In her self centeredness, she deserves all the apologies. This reply is not an apology, but a true statement. Just realize you did not actually hurt your spouse and that means you should not create blame for yourself.

2d Marriage-BD 22 Jan 13
M 46 W 39-Married 6 months/together 3 yrs
Seperated by military (both on AD)
No Kids Together--W-D1(12), D2(10): Me-D1(14)
Divorced 24 Apr 13
#588580 09/30/06 02:50 AM
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Thank you very much for this insight. "Creating blame" for myself has been a recurrent theme in my life, since way before this R and its present travails. The current crisis in fact has brought about many, swingeing, rapid changes in my outlook and in my understanding of myself. I have to remind myself that it is she, by initiating this situation, who has been responsible - intentionally or otherwise - for some of these vital breakthroughs.

I just with this new reason to love her was not mixed up with such agony.

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Wow, can I relate to EVERYTHING on there. My H has been doing all of this and I am so confused! He has never actually left but he states that he is done with this marriage and he is ready to leave.

I am so glad I found this... I know now that I am NOT going insane. And scary how they all do say the same things... it maybe 1 or 2 words different but the REST is all the same.

So I have a question. how long do you wait? do you live like this for years??? Anyone that has been thru this at any point... can you help me?

wife of an addict
M 39 H 39
D18 D 16
Together 19 M17
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The answer is:
How long you decide to wait.
Yes and no, you can and cannot live like this for years.
It's your life, not his.
Your decision, not his.
Meantime, while you are waiting, get your life in order.
After years of me being in this, that's the simplest way of explaining.
And glad you caught the fact you're not going insane. Their actions and inactions (not intended on their part usually) will make you think that way.
Best of luck, sorry your here, but feel welcome.
I've been at it for years.
I chose to move on.

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thanks for the support. I don't know how to cope with things right now. Everything is so new to me. I think this has been going on for a while and I have read DR about surviving MLC... but I guess I will need to read it again and again.

I mention to my family that I think this is what his going thru and they laugh. They say he is only 30 he can not be going thru this. how do I make someone else see it and have them support me?

Thanks again and I am sure I will be out here a LOT.

wife of an addict
M 39 H 39
D18 D 16
Together 19 M17
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OMG that script is everything that I have heard and everything that is happening
3. Do random acts of kindness such as yard work or something. That will keep your spouse confused and hopeful.
This is the point we are at at the moment.

My question is do they get over all this or is this the way they go and then everything ends?

Is there anything we can do as the Left at home spouse to make things change for the better and shift this script from their head

T 14Y M 6Y
2 D 10/14
bomb & M/O 4/2/07
"trying to piece" 1/4/07

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I thoughly enjoyed the article. You should have it published it is so good. Laughable, extremely laughable, good work.
You do so much for the rest of us that is so helpful and very interesting. I don't think you know how much of a presence you have here... keep 'em coming...thanks itsy

married 30 years
Prostitues and Other women "100's" 10/7/2004
Prostitue/Junkie girlfriend 6/04-1/07?
Left 1/5/05 returned 1/9/05
Asked h to leave 4/2005 Had to, prostitues
OW 5/2005 not a prostitue
Divorced 9/2006
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All the responses to this have been great to read......heres a new one for how he describes living with OW...."just because the 4 walls where i live have changed...." Clever huh..stupid a$$ed alien.

Me 53
H 51
OW 25
Bomb may 06
left june 8/ 06
ILYBNILWY (twice!)
7/6/07 H wants to come home
7/21/07 H comes home
7/07 -7/08 long haul letting go of OW
now piecing in earnest

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I just read the Midlife for Dummies Post- It was HILARIOUS !!!!

Thank you, for putting it all into perspective !! hahahhahahaha

Love Cinders xxx

"In the depths of my winter, I realized there is within me an invincible summer" Albert Camus
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This is absolutely amazing. I feel so played!

M: ten years
BS23, BS17
Step-SS20, SS16, SS14
Separated: August 07
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BTW, another poster directed me here after reading my concern that my H said to me "we can't get back together because you get up too late in the AM (7 AM!!!) and never cook enough vegetables". I didn't get it! Now it's totally CLEAR!

M: ten years
BS23, BS17
Step-SS20, SS16, SS14
Separated: August 07
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Best description ever of the symptoms, just need the cure now!

This is so true. My W caught me reading it and demanded to see it.

She smiled and said 'textbook' BUT of course she is different, she never wanted to leave. Right! she was ready to be a WAW a month ago and I begged her to stay for the sake of the kids. She was threatening to move to a nearby place, move to different countries - all forgotten now.

I am prepared to wait for ever, just need to get on with MY life in the meantime.

Thanks for the post you cannot believe how it has cheered me up, thanks.

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I have not seen this thread in years....GASP! I can actually say years

I'll admit it's all so damn true.

It's also good to see Smurf's name up again \:\) For a brief moment I thought he had posted!!!!

Change the Policy.
Allow PM's
Free all of us.

Also some new and improved emoticons would be nice!

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The MLC for Dummies brought my relationship into a whole new light.

Jen *The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present*

The end of the DB road
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That is so good. Lanzo sent me a link and I wasn't going to read til tonight as so long (thinking it was serious) but how brilliant is that !!!

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I wonder if I can email this to the XH now? ;\)

Hope you are doing well!!

Change the Policy.
Allow PM's
Free all of us.

Also some new and improved emoticons would be nice!

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Thanks for posting this again - I sent it to one or two people who were concerned about my h just post bomb, and it was a light bulb moment for them.

My h actually added a new line to the script too: accordig to him, apparently my father 'made' him marry me. Since my dad is dead he cannot defend himself, but the thought of my forward thinking feminist father arranging a marriage for his daughter, who he encouraged to have a career and independent life, is just ludicrous. Their 'truth' is a lie from beginning to end.


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apparently my father 'made' him marry me.
You know Donkey made the same comment about my mother, right???

It's all part of the script!

Me:35, ex: 36
Sons: 9 & 7
Bomb: July, 2006
Divorced 2009
Joined: Mar 2007
Posts: 88
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Posts: 88
MLc resource link works but the links on that page don't. And I am bumping this for a friend who might need it.

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This is so 100% accurate frown

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I wish I could let my H read it. I highlighted everything he did and said so far, its funny because they mostly are the Exact Same Words!

He is a scientist so I just don't know how he will take it. Once we are out of the woods I promise myself we will read this and have a good laugh.

I always say we are really conditioned to behave accordingly, and am I so glad to have stumbled into MWD's methods. There is a method to this madness!

Me:49 H:45 D:12 M:14 T:18
Bomb: 6/26/10
EA: 9/3/10, fizzled out slowly, now ???
11/5/11 Retrouvaille
Finally piecing....
Its peaceful at last, but we got a looong way to go
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This is so "insanely" accurate!

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I laugh every time I read that. It's a good effort to put humor on such a thing.

One thing to add: After moving out and leaving everything behind, continue to lie and blame the LBS for everything. Drag OM into it if you can. And, if possible, move back into the same neighborhood to really drive LBS to the edge. If they still care, but whatever you do try not to lose the ability to lie and manipulate and above all control LBS. Use the kids if you have to.


Funny stuff. Happens though, so we deal with it. Detaching works very well for this because you can't stop the crazy train - just get off it.



"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" MLK
Put the glass down...
"Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
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True? Yes!

Funny? Not so much.

AJ, check out my new thread if you can. Still have my days, but I am doing well.

Take care.


M 56 XW 57
Sons 38,33,31,29

The Sitch:
Married 26 years
EA w/ OM 9/10
Bomb 10/10 (5 weeks after 25th anniversary)
Sep 12/10
She wants D 1/11
W files 5/11
D final 10/11
XW marries OM 6/13
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This was a very accurate description of the past 3 years of my life.

Too bad for all the LBS's because it is so much of a one sided effort with the "Reward" continually being further betrayed and rejected.

I feel pathetic for allowing myself to be manipulated for so long and trying finally to detach after she moved out 7 3/4 months ago and find how i still get triggered so frequently.

The only other article i ever read that hits the nail on the head so precisely, is "Demonizing Your Mate", on a former, now offline blog by someone named BeerLove.

So sad that this has to be our own Hell of a reality.


Me, 55 W, 36
T, 10 yrs
M, 8 yrs
1st D-Day, 9-27-2009, With 1st bf, ea/pa
2nd D-Day, 12-5-2009, With her best friends bf, ea/pa
W, AA relapse early 2009-Current
W moved out 2-16-2012
New OM 5-2012
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I am in complete shock after reading this. I had labeled my H as an MLCer. But that was just what I was using it to define to myself what was happening. After reading this, I'm wondering if thre really is a class for it and when do all of our spouses have time to attend. My H must be getting an A in his...

I, too, wish I could hand this to him and say, "look at yourself!!!", but it wouldn't do any good...

Thanks for posting this, I wish I would have read these stickies sooner.

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Hi all. I've been reading this board for a couple of months as anonymous. I finally logged on. My wife is going through MLC and seems like a Low Energy Wallower. The emotional detachment feels like death.

I had to write in when I read the original post. It resonated so much with me. It actually made me angry because I'm going through all of it and I'm just now realizing how little effect everything I've done so far has had on her. I have started doing a 180 and DB'ing, but sometimes I get so weak.

I have read so much on here that has helped me personally so I want to thank all of you for sharing your stories, fears, hopes and vulnerabilities. They really do help even if you don't know who's reading them.

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O...M....G....reading this made me laugh a bit because it is word for word what my H did to me 6 months ago. I am going to print this out and keep it for future my DB folder. ( i keep inspirational articles, saying, photos and what not in there)

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I'm pretty sure my H is having a MLC. Tonight he just asked for joint custody of the kids. Stating that he wants to be with his kids. However, he does not make the effort to spend more time with them. I'm so happy I found this post!

Me: 33 H:33
M: 11 yrs
S: 3/8/13
H came home: 3/10/13
S for second time: 3/16/13
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Wow! This really helped! I'm going on month four and still in moderation. I found this site about 2 weeks ago and it has validated, kept me company, made me laugh, and yes, even scare me a bit. I'd love to add some to the wonderful chapters:

In marriage counseling : admitted to using a pro, why? Because he knew if he had an affair it would be another person he'd be dealing with. A relationship that would make demands of money and time! HAHAHAHAHA! So it was okay to "only used her twice". Because he wasn't emotionally involved! Oh yeah, and it wasn't satisfying just like mas--------g. Huh, but he only did it TWIIIIICE.

I also like the "I'm not sure I want to stay or be married I'm not sure if I want you to be my "life partner". Now of course this was the beginning when the s hit the fan.

And my favorite to date: Telling the Gottman marriage counselor that " we have a great friendship ( that is what the foundation of marriage is built upon ) so I'm ...not sure I waaaaant to work on marriage. It is about ME. I've put everyone's needs ahead of mine." Ooopsie , he forgot that he played basketball and golf on a scheduled basis during the first 23 years, and played poker and bowled the last 7, but just could not schedule time for us! Wowzers, and I thought he put me and or us ( daughters )first!?! OMGosh, I feel SOOOO much better. I think it's myyyy turn, going to a movie tonight! One which I choose and even have cheesie nachos for din din! YUM! Doing the gymn first, so I can HAVE those nachos!

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH ! You have made my weekend so much more bearable. I was feeling sorry for myself, and now I am smiling and even laughed out loud! OOOOO's

MLC=[censored] to be him

empathy: putting myself in his shoes and fighting like Hell for our marriage

" I will see you again...this is not where it ends..."
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Oh how I needed to read this at this time! Received another "hate" email from H, blaming me for everything telling me to get lost and telling me to file divorce papers. This was 4 days ago and I have not responded at all. I just went dark. This is EXACTLY the script I am living now.
Thank you,

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Well...this really does sound like my H.

Me 43 ring off Oct 2014 (my ring back on Feb 2015)
H 51 (ring off 7/2013)
M 2007 T 1996
S 14
July 2013- H told me he was unhappy.....said he is staying for Son
Feb 18 2014 Found out about OW
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Oh my gosh! I was in such a dark place thinking it was unique "we have no true chemistry" is his steadfast point on why we need to D.
This only happened a week ago.
We met in high school, dated since then for 9 years, been married for almost two
His thing is "we never got to explore as adults, were incompatible and don't have natural chemistry."

I remember that from the third year of our relationship on he would say that people who said we were being silly hanging on to a high school love didn't understand how linked we were...that the differences we had (which brought us to were we are now, to a D in his mind) helped us grow and learn. How is it that he actually seemed to think in a more mature way as a younger boy that the "grown up man" he is supposed to be today?

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^^^ bump. This is too good and funny to have it sit in the archives.

Me-54 yrs; W: 50 yrs
4 kids- D: 22,20,19; S:15
"Trial" Divorce: 04/14 - 6/14
Separated: 06/2013- divorced 08/2016

“The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” War and Peace
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I'm glad I read this today. Feeling less crazy. More angry thoygh. This anger has been brewing for a while and is just starting to unleash.

40s 2teens M14Y
BD-10/12/13 rec-1/14
BD2-5/14 rec2-9/14
EA disc-10/14 4/15-BD 3 and triangulation ensues
Served with D6/15 MS forced to leave7/15
D agreement signed 8/16 final 5/17
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Originally Posted By: mustardseed
I'm glad I read this today. Feeling less crazy. More angry thoygh. This anger has been brewing for a while and is just starting to unleash.

Anger is one of the stages that we LBS goes through.
It is OK for a while, just keep moving forward as it is not a great stage to stay in! IMHO.

Me-70, D37,S36
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^^^ Bumping this up for the newbies to read. It's funny in a way, but unfortunately, it's true in many ways.

Joined: Jul 2015
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Haha isn't this the truth?

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Oh my gosh! My H must have read this, memorized it, and put it into practice. IT IS THAT TRUE! I'm laughing and want to throw up at the same time. So sad.

M-51 H-54
2D-27 and 25
M-26 yrs
Bombshell and IHS 7-29-15
He moved out 10-3-15
D filed 1-27-16
D final 10-27-16

Kindness, kindness, kindness.
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Bumping this up for the newbies.

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.
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Loved this. Could fit my WAW too.

Fight the good fight no matter the quality of your opponent.

Me-50 WAW-45
Married 24 years
Bomb 1-Jan.2008
Disc. EA
She came back for 8 years
Bomb 2-Jan-2016
Separation 3-12-2016
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I read this about a month after I found this site (November 2015) Just re-read this and realized, with a few more months under my belt, how many more pages of this "script" my H has acted out.

I made him eat mixed greens and put kale in things.

That one really stands out in my head. We discussed kale for a half hour because I like it and he doesn't and we are too different and not meant to be together...(drones on and on)...
Me (losing my cool but laughing): I ACTUALLY DON"T LIKE IT!!! We tried it in a few recipes and then I quit! Why is this such a big issue now?
H (quiet voice): I don't like kale. We are too different. Somewhere out there is a guy who likes kale that will be your guy.


M-51 H-54
2D-27 and 25
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D filed 1-27-16
D final 10-27-16

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OMG!! Too funny.

Do they hand these out somewhere?

Me 47 H 49 S18 S15
M 21
BD #1 11/09/15 ILYBNILY
I believe we are Piecing 1/2/16
Suspect EA/PA? 2/28/16
BD #2 "He tried, but needs passion." 2/28/16
Confirm PA 3/11/16, he's leaving in June
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Originally Posted By: melweb
OMG!! Too funny.

Do they hand these out somewhere?

They hand the book out to every MLC'er free of charge.

And it is downloaded into them while they are on the spaceship, so they really don't read it.

Jeesh I thought everyone knew that...... smile smile smile

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Thanks Cadet. I must have missed that memo. LOL

Me 47 H 49 S18 S15
M 21
BD #1 11/09/15 ILYBNILY
I believe we are Piecing 1/2/16
Suspect EA/PA? 2/28/16
BD #2 "He tried, but needs passion." 2/28/16
Confirm PA 3/11/16, he's leaving in June
H leaves 5/7/16
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I like Kale Ciluzen....I'm just not a guy though.....doh!!!

T 13 M 7
Me 48 H 46
SS 15
BD 7.14 PA
D final 5.16 (H filed)

We receive & we lose, and must try to achieve gratitude & embrace with whole hearts whatever of life that remains after the losses - Dubus
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BUT I DON'T LIKE KALE!!! Maybe I just need to find a guy named Kale...I hear its a popular name these days. But then I'll have to wait at least 20 years and be super cougar...

M-51 H-54
2D-27 and 25
M-26 yrs
Bombshell and IHS 7-29-15
He moved out 10-3-15
D filed 1-27-16
D final 10-27-16

Kindness, kindness, kindness.
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LOL Job and Ciluzen

Thanks, I needed the chuckle


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H EA Feb 2014
BD Sept 2015
H moved out Nov 2015
W Filed D papers Mar 2016

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Bumping this up for the newbies.

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.
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I read this when I first came to this forum and just re-read it...Wow. Just wow. I mean, if I didn't know any better I would believe this book really exists and that my ExW memorized it.

She even showed up at the kids' soccer games today (with OW to whom she is now married) wearing a tshirt that read "I'm not adulting today"

I guess the tshirt came with this book or she won it for doing MLC so perfectly!

Me 48, Her 50
(Same-Sex Couple)
3 Children
Together: 9.5 years before BD
BD: Week of 10/27/14
ExW started EA w OW 9/2014
ExW married OW 12/2015
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Why isn't this in the homework?

As I was reading this I was having flashbacks of amazing proportions.

Gold star to original poster*

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Originally Posted By: Huddy
Why isn't this in the homework?

As I was reading this I was having flashbacks of amazing proportions.

Gold star to original poster*

It is in the MLC resources that is part of your homework

Me-70, D37,S36
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Ooops! Missed it.

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Is there a way to Print this wonderful funny piece of work?
This is a great read for those of us who are going through this mess a 2nd time with MLC husbands(or wives)

Originally Posted by Smurf_SMR
MIDLIFE for Dummies

Welcome to the wonderful world of Mid Life Crisis!! You are about to embark on one of the most perilous journey's you have ever taken. A journey fraught with intrigue and guaranteed to turn you inside out! This book is designed to help you make sure you get the most emotional bang for your buck. In these pages are the "how to" answers to the questions you have been asking yourself about damaging as many people as you can along the way. Come on and dig in, it's time to get this Roller coaster rolling on down the tracks!!

Chapter 1
Choosing the correct speech

There are 4 basic speeches for you to choose from. They are:

a) I love you but I don't know if I'm in love with you.

b) I've never loved you, and we should never have gotten married.

c) We got married to young. I never knew anything besides you.

d) You tricked me into marrying you, I would never have done it otherwise.

Once you have decided on which speech to give, you need to cause as much anxiety in your spouse as you can before you actually give it. Continue to the next chapter for Lessons in building anxiety.

Chapter 2
Lessons in building anxiety

You will find these lessons to be helpful in causing anxiety in your spouse and others (depending on the level of pain and damage you want to cause), not just prior to giving the speech, but throughout your MLC.

Lesson 1
Monstrification of your Spouse

This is easy to accomplish. Simply think of only the "bad" things that your spouse has done throughout your entire relationship. Have one of those "angel" spouses? No problem, just remember how bad she always makes you feel. DO NOT under any circumstances remember fondly your spouse, or anything they have done for you. Remember, they are going to be the cause of all of your problems, so it is imperative that you convince your self of this first.

Lesson 2
Emotional Detachment

This will be very easy to do after accomplishing lesson 1. All you have to do is start reminding yourself that you don't care about them, what they feel, what they want, or if they hurt. Simple! Every time you remind yourself of this, you will get further and further away from your relationship emotionally. Now, that wasn't too hard was it? On to lesson 3

Lesson 3
Mass confusion and Indecision

This lesson requires a little more thought and attention. You must constantly practice saying "I don't know" to ANY and ALL questions. That is imperative!! Your spouse (and others) must never know precisely what is going on in-side your head. Also, never let them know where you are going, where you have been, who you were with (this will go hand in hand with the lesson on the Other Person, or OP), or whether or not they can expect you to return home.

Lesson 4
Lies and Deceit

To get the most damage, and cause the most pain, you must lie and decieve at every opportunity. And to really achieve hall of fame status, you should be very inept at it, so that everyone knows that you are lying, or suspects, but can't prove it initially. This works very well for the following chapters, OP and Cake Eating.

Chapter 3
The Other Person (or OP)

Now it is time for you to succumb to temptation. You KNOW all of those other women/men want you! They have been coming on to you for years!! It is time for you to give them their chance at having some of you. Make sure that you leave a very confusing trail for your spouse to follow. One that lets them suspect, but have to dig and sneak (to make them feel worse about themselves) to find the information they need to prove it. Hold out admitting the affair as long as you can, and don't admit it ever, if you can get away with it.

Chapter 4
Cake Eating

This chapter is designed to string your spouse along in uncertainty as long as possible, because as long as they have hope, they won't be able to go out and find their own lives and be fulfilled. Why should they get to do that, while you are so miserable? They shouldn't!! So, make sure that you are affectionate occasionally (not too often, as this will raise anxiety levels), that you drag your feet about making a decision on the marriage, and that you leave and come back several times (as many as you can get away with).

Chapter 5

History Revision

It is very important that you revise the life you have lead with your spouse. You must use words like: Always, Ever, Never and All of the Time. Always precede the statement with the terms: you, I, and we. As in "you always nag me" "I never ever (double bonus here) get to do what I want" and "We have to do what you want all of the time". This will help to make your spouse feel like the way you are behaving is all their fault, and can cause them to feel even worse about themselves than they already did!!

Chapter 6
It's all about you!!

Remember this is all about you! What you want and need, RIGHT NOW! You shouldn't have to wait until you can afford something, just go on out and get it! You deserve a new haircut, new clothes, and some new toys. You've worked for it. You would probably look great in that new Convertible, or on that new Harley!! So don't hesitate! You live in the here and now! So why wait until tomorrow!!

Remember, the word is CRISIS and if you are in one, EVERYONE else should have to ride the Roller coaster with you! It's no fun taking a ride alone, and you know what they say about misery loving company! Go on out there and get started, so much pain and damage, and so little time!

Chapter 7
Avoid, Ignore, and Run Away

This chapter is to help you deal with the problems that your spouse will try to cause. We don't want you to have to "deal" with anything, now do we? You shouldn't have to "think" about any "issues" right now, except those that concern you "feeling good". The best way to handle this, is to Avoid, Ignore, and Run Away. Any time someone tries to make you see a more "reasonable" stance on a subject, simply Avoid making a reply...stare out into space, as if you are thinking about something important, and they will become uncomfortable and leave you alone. If there are responsibilities that need your attention, simply ignore them. You don't have to do anything you don't feel like doing. And the best for last is Run Away! This can be accomplished in many different ways. OP's can help you Run Away from all of these "problems" as well as Alcohol, Drugs, New Sports Cars....etc the list is endless. Of course, you can always just leave...but remember not to let them know where you are going, and if you'll be back!!

Chapter 8
MC and Therapists:

Your spouse may ask you to go to counseling with her/him. This is only useful to make them feel better. It cannot possibly have anything to you so there is no reason for you to follow-up with anything suggested--it doesn't matter to you. The only thing you should look for is more reasons (excuses) for avoiding, running and ignoring (see previous chapter).

Chapter 9
I Don't have to if I Don't Want to and You Can't Make Me!

Remember that this is about YOU, and what YOU want and how YOU feel!! No one else is important, so don't let them make you feel as if you have to listen to anything they say. Your spouse will try to help you of course, because they love you. Don't let them get away with giving you unwanted advice. Let them know in the teenage vernacular, that they can't make you do anything. This is important, you must be as childish as possible!! Any truly adult behavior on your part will only convince them that you are listening to what they are saying, and you will have to start back at the beginning. Of course, this technique can be used knowingly to cause more confusion and chaos, just beware of the danger, you don't actually want to start acting like an adult!!

Chapter 10
"How to threaten" and/or "How do move out".

You threaten to move out for weeks or months but you don't. (*)You tell your spouse that you got too much on your plate right now to look for a flat but that you will do so in 2 weeks time. After 2 weeks, repeat from (*).

If your wife wants to come too close to you, like entering your bedroom to talk to you, tell her to stay away or you will move out. When she replies that you will move out anyway tell her that you will move out faster if she comes any closer

Chapter 11
Art of Clinging

The Art of Clinging to the End of the Mattress without falling off the matrimonial bed while still sharing it with your spouse.

Chapter 12
Advanced lessons

This is usually reserved for those in more difficult situations, where the LBS has responded not by tossing you out, threatening to leave, or filing for divorce, but instead persists in not only OFFERING to cooperate, but actually MAKING THE CHANGES you said you needed.

"I am tired of living like this/I don't want to live like this anymore/I am not going to live my life like this?" often is coupled with another advanced tactic, "It's not you, it's me".

This line is most effective AFTER the LBS has jumped through hoops and bent over backwards. It basically confirms that no matter what changes the LBS is willing to make, the incompatibility lies within the MLCer, who has no intention of, or implied desire or ability to, compromise.



1. When confronted by the evidence of an EA or PA, become very indignant. Stress that the LBS is obviously just a jealous sob/bi*ch, and you are entitled to "buddies" of the opposite sex.

2. Never, ever answer the question, "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" with a direct answer that might actually lead to a discussion that might help the marriage. Continue to never talk to spouse, never give her/him a personal compliment or touch of affection and by all means work on the "cling to the edge of the mattress to avoid touching" manoeuvre that is so successful in making your spouse crazy.

3. Always bear in mind that your spouse will expect you to want to at least give them the chance to "fix" the marriage. Since you have already checked out emotionally (of course NEVER tell them that!), you are under no obligation to actually listen to anything they say or acknowledge anything they do. This tactic is also extremely beneficial when they employ the MLC diet. When they lose a massive amount of weight and you are in ear shot of someone who mentions to spouse about the weight loss, say "Are you losing weight? Why don't you ever tell me things?"

4. Of course one of the most successful ways to drive them crazy may only be used when you have earned the MLC Black Belt. Go to marriage counselling for months, let them pour out their soul to you and the counsellor and let them believe they are actually accomplishing something. Then arrange things so the spouse finds you in your own home with OP. This will accomplish two things: a. She will finally have to understand how lucky you are to have found your "soul mate" and b. She will be doubly betrayed because she thought you were actually working on the marriage.


1. Make negative comments about OP or the chances that the relationship with OP will succeed. HOWEVER, under no circumstances, make any commitment to end the relationship with OP.

2. Make veiled hints about suicide or excessive drinking or drug use. Be erratic and hard to contact.

3. Do random acts of kindness such as yard work or something. That will keep your spouse confused and hopeful.

4. Make vague comments hinting that things might work out between you and your spouse IN THE FUTURE. HOWEVER, under no circumstances take any actions to work anything out.

Using the kids to your advantage.

If you have children, they can be extremely useful for inducing fear and panic in your spouse. Recommended phrases include, "You're poisoning my kids against me", "You put that idea into their heads", and "You need to do [insert pertinent action here] for the sake of the kids'." Remember, your spouse, being a responsible and loving person, is not only trying to cope with his/her own feelings, but trying to protect the children, and you can use that to your advantage.

Don't forget to use the fact that if you spend any time with your kids, you should get Extra Credit Bonus Good Parent points from your spouse. It doesn't matter if you feed them ice cream for breakfast and have them watch "Hellboy" when they asked for "Veggie Tales", you Just Wanted To Make Them Happy, and since YOU are the best judge of Happiness, that makes you Super Parent. You can use this opportunity to trash talk your spouse ("Isn't this more fun than what Mommy/Daddy would let you do?" "Mom/Dad doesn't know how to relax.") which of course, will be repeated back to your spouse so you get the benefit of destroying their self-esteem second hand.

Highly advanced MLCers may want to start casually using the word Custody, but be very, very careful. While useful for sending your spouse into a state of panic, you certainly do not want to be responsible for a bunch of kids who will seriously cut into your personal fun time. The word Custody should only be used in a casual tone of voice for the most devastating effect.


You (the mlcer) know a lot about your spouse. You know what pushes their buttons to get them both upset and/or happy. You have the power, you can do it! So using the kids to upset them is fair game (see section on how to use "custody" to upset them but not take on the "custody"). And if that ever stops working, find something else. Suggestions might include pets, valuables in the home, their appearance, family, career. Nothing is out of your reach since you have put in so many years getting to know your spouse--use what you know.


By now, you should be aware that all of this MUST be your spouses fault, however, your spouse may not understand this completely yet, so you need to start planting the seeds.

There are several ingenious ways to put the blame on your spouse, and we will be exploring them all.

Method 1: The Non-Blame Statement

I'm trying not to blame YOU

This statement implies that you are "not putting the blame on them" but on closer look (which your spouse is guaranteed to be doing) The words actually put all of the blame on the spouse (where of course we know it belongs).

Method 2: The Passive Blame Statement

I don't think that I can live with you.
My opinion never mattered to you.
I cant' live like this.
We rarely have fun anymore.
I don't want to live this way anymore.
(There are many more I'm sure you can think of)

These are passive statements that don't actually assign blame to your spouse, but your spouse will definitely get the idea if you use them. They can't help but see that it MUST be them that makes you feel this way.

Method 3: The Direct Blame Statement

You never listen to me.
You never put creases in my pants.
You use bagged salad.
You never keep the house clean.
You are going to do it your way.

All of these are direct statements of blame. You should mix actual faults with things that don't really matter to make it more confusing, and make your spouse feel as bad as possible about themselves.

Your spouse has probably already started doing the hard work to look inside his/herself (Yuck, what an awful thought!) and will take on all of the faults you list to try and correct them. This will keep them occupied for awhile, and you can avoid any serious relationship talks while they apologize for and try to fix all of their own faults. Make sure that you don't actually accept the apology, that way you can continue to bring the fault up which will slow down their self improvement process. Remember, they are working on becoming better human beings, and you wouldn't want that to happen to fast, as that would interfere with your ability to string them along.


let's not forget "We're just incompatible - we always were."

Also, when the LBS starts to make changes, make SURE you find fault with these changes, or point out how it's "too little, too late", or wasn't what you meant AT ALL. If all else fails, put the LBS down for being so willing to change herself for your needs. Also, when the LBS starts to make changes, make SURE you find fault with these changes, or point out how it's "too little, too late", or wasn't what you meant AT ALL."

How to keep you spouse mean one minute threatening divorce, etc then next day be kind and sweet almost the way your spouse remembers you..rinse repeat....


1. Even though by now you, dear MLCer, have done everything human possibly to convince your spouse that you do not love him/her and want out, when the time comes to actually file, DON"T DO IT! This is the coup de gras of MLC. Absolutely DO NOT TAKE THE INITIATIVE. This is a most vital and awesome crazy-maker. Holding out will force your by now totally devastated spouse to finally throw up his/her hands and seek legal counsel.

2. Once the LBS has had enough and decides that divorce is in their best interest, you have won HUGE points here. Refusing to be the one to file now puts YOU in the role of victim, bringing you all the attention and pity necessary to allow you to again regain your image of the abused one in all this. Now you can, with absolutely NO guilt, tell everyone the divorce was your LBS's idea (which of COURSE it was!) and they will assume that: a. the LBS lost all that weight and obviously has been involved in an affair, and b. the marriage ended because your LBS spouse is going through a - YES! THE PINNACLE OF CRAZINESS! - Midlife Crisis!!

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Copy and paste into a word document or you can highlight this particular page and print it off.

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.
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First time reading this. I had to almost laugh out loud. It is so spot-on

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H Moved out: 10/1/18
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Thanks for the laugh out loud read, cheered me up no end

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I wish I had never read this. Not funny - a cause of additional anxiety and PTSD. Who is Smurf working for??!!


How can so many of us have the same story - at this was written 16 years ago and still rings true today. Its disgusting on a lot of levels.

Good work on capturing so much of the sad reality.

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The script leaked out into the public. That's whay we have so many marriage break-ups.

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Spot on. I got speech #3. When I finished reading Michele's MLC chapter I sobbed and sobbed while wondering how she got into the house and why we never noticed her sitting in the family room observing our lives and taking such good notes. Textbook.

M 20+ T25+
S ~15.5 (BD)
BD 4/6/15
D 12/23/16

"Someone I loved once gave me
A box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand,
That this too, was a gift."
~ Mary Oliver
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Originally Posted by bttrfly
When I finished reading Michele's MLC chapter I sobbed and sobbed while wondering how she got into the house and why we never noticed her sitting in the family room observing our lives and taking such good notes. Textbook.

I read the first part of that chapter to my friend and she asked if I had written it to describe my situation? I would have laughed today, but it made me cry then for the same reasons it made you cry, Bttrfly.

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Originally Posted by Sage4
Originally Posted by bttrfly
When I finished reading Michele's MLC chapter I sobbed and sobbed while wondering how she got into the house and why we never noticed her sitting in the family room observing our lives and taking such good notes. Textbook.

I read the first part of that chapter to my friend and she asked if I had written it to describe my situation? I would have laughed today, but it made me cry then for the same reasons it made you cry, Bttrfly.

M 20+ T25+
S ~15.5 (BD)
BD 4/6/15
D 12/23/16

"Someone I loved once gave me
A box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand,
That this too, was a gift."
~ Mary Oliver
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