Originally Posted by Destroyd
Jimmy, I am so sorry that you are spiraling today. I have been spiraling for months now. I am so sorry that we are going through this. If I have learned anything through this situation it is empathy and the knowledge that divorce is causing so much sadness in this world. I don't know how to end my sadness because I love my wife so much. I do know that I have connected with some great people who are trying to help me through this living hell. I have buimya small group of support friends and family that have really been great to me through this (my sister, a former teacher/pastor, two coworkers, and an amazing friend). I didn't talk to anyone about my situation for the first 10 months. Then I started telling a few people. This really helped to have a close group to talk to.

Destroyd - Thank you.

Originally Posted by LH19

Are you exercising? Running, lifting weights helps immensely.

I go out on the bicycle for an hour or so twice a week.