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#1739578 03/24/09 07:31 PM
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F_KITTY Offline OP
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I am a frenc citizen legally separated with my husband. He is now living and working in CT with an E Visa. Our divorce is not final in France, I am living in France with my two children. . I found out he has got married with someone in Las Vegas and I have procured their marriage certificate.

I was wondering if my hunsband had asked for a spouse E Visa to his another wife (bigamous of course)? Could you please advise me where should I address my enquiry on this matter? For your information, they didn't register their marriage to the General French Consulate in Los Angeles after their marriage in Las Vegas.

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The USA immigration department is not going to care as they dont look into bigamy violations. They will see that your H has an E Visa and a marriage certificate and allow his new wife to stay. If you want to report a bigamy violation - that should be done most likely through the attorney general in the state of Conneticut or the state of Nevada. He probably lied when he filled out the form for a marriage license in Nevada.

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Thanks Kerry for your reply.

It seems so unfair that the US immigration will not care as long as my STBX has an e visa and produced the new marriage certificate to get another spouse visa for his bigamous wife.

How about his employer? They don't care to hire someone who commit bigamy violation? Yes, it's really unbeleiveable that he did it.

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The immigration department would be concerned if they married for the sole purpose for her to gain a permanent visa (immigration fraud). However, since your H only has a temporary visa, it is doubtful they married for that reason.

Bigamy is a low priority crime in most law enforcement agencies and I think you are going to have a hard time getting some agency motivated to prosecute from abroad. I suspect that even if they came back to France that you would have difficulty in getting the French law enforcement to investigate.

Here is a good web site to learn more...

I am curious if you are focused on revenge or you are still hoping your marriage can be saved.

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I've been 5 years in this turmoil. At the beginning I was divorce busting. I had quite some old threads but they are all lost. I've asked the administrator about it but he can't find them.

My marriage is obviously cannot be saved. I am still jealous and perhaps I want a revenge. I still cannot overcome the hurt, betrayal and the horrible feeling of rejection.

All my old DB buddies are all divored, no exception. Now I should focus on surviving the big D.

I sound so bitter, how should I not be? He brought me to France when he loved me. He abandoned me there with our two children when he doesn't love me anymore. I feel like a disposable object to be trashed.

Perhaps I shouldn't dig into this root and just head for the divorce. FYI, he had his petition of diovrce (after 2 yr separation) rejected by the court and I had my petition of diovrce on adultery ground rejected by the court in feb 2009. He didn't respect the 2 yr deadline and the court said I have no adultery proof. Now I think I have.

You have a lot of threads. You love your children and have a girl friend now. You move on. I wish I would move on too. Thanks Kerry.

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Hi Kitty -

It is sad that it seems that most people here on DB end up divorced. There are a few exceptions, but very rare.

From what I have read of your posts, it sounded like you lost custody in court. But now you have full custody? How old are your children?

What country did your H bring you from? Have you ever considered moving back?

I would guess if you could show proof to a French court that he got married, then you should be granted the divorce.

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Hi Kerry

I am from Hong Kong. I won't consdier going back as my kids are living and studying there and they don't speak chinese. I have two daughters, D15 (very angry teenager) and D12 (she looks like asian alot). They are my only family here. Since their dad left for USA to pick up the marketing manager job, I get their full custody, and we had done one year shared custody which was completely a nightmare for me and the kids.

He never produced his income details, just some pay rolls slips. He has a bonus but I don't know how much. He also has a housing allowance of US$2000 per month.

My sister lives in Boston, I went to visit her a couple of times in the past. Now that I am a single mom and with limit revenue,I longer be able to travel anywhere. My kids fly to visit him during long school holidays.

When the divoce is final here, I won't get spousal support anymore, the current child support is fixed at the moment 600€ for both kids per month. I work a part time job, only make 700€/m we are living in the marital house. I don't see how I can support myself and my two teenagers daughters with an income of 600+700=1300 plus paying rent for our apartment in the near future.

The extracurricular activities are nomally shared 50/50%. But when I claimed for that, he just answered in the email cc lawyer that he never refused/objected to participate for the extra activities expensesBUT HE NEVER PAYS ME BACK the 50%.

In your thread you said you pay already US$600 to your ex for two kids as child support per month in shared custody, I find my child support is relatively low, and he didn't pay medical insurance. FYI, I also have to pay for my own attorney.

Thanks for hearing, I will drop by your thread later.


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Kitty -

You are in such a tough situation. Your H really did leave you and your daughters in quite a difficult predicament. I read the unemployment rates are rising again in France.

Do you have any other options? Is there government support you could fall back on?

The way you say it, you get spousal support while you are still married, but once a divorce is final that stops? That sounds backwards to me. Kind of gives you a reason to not push for the divorce (also save on legal costs).

It seems really unfair that our spouses can walk out of a marriage and gain financially. I think women, such as yourself, really get the worst statistically. Men usually recover quite well after several years. Oh well, I guess life really is not fair.

Have you done any dating since your H left?

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If I leave I'll lose the custody of my kids and I won't be able to see them often.

I don't have any government support in france, I am not considered as poor. The current house we are living is very big with a pool; STBX was always jealous he had to let me live in during the divorce (well I retorted it was his decision to walk away!)

And no, I have never tried any dating since his MLC and the divorce thing. I am really busy (drives D15 at 7am, then D12 7h30; then go to work; come back home at 4pm;pick up D12 at 5pm; then D15 at 6pm. I have to cook all the meals (very seldom get a pizza or eat outside)and all the yard/pool/housework. I can show you my chalet (it's on a mountain and neighbours are far away) later.

Will visit your thread after my job, have to go.


my last thread : Lost in his MLC

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