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#976234 03/16/07 01:39 AM
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I actually locked up a thread! WooHoo!

Here are the past threads...

don't know how to shorten them, but here's the full webpage

I had two others, but can't find them now.

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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thanks Nikki. Hopefully the neighbors we get next door are really nice, normal people. I can only hope and pray!

I'm kinda excited for this weekend. Kinda scared since I'll be alone, and the crazy neighbors are still there! I really hope they aren't doing meth. But it's definitely possible. The cops busted a house 6 houses down for a meth lab, and they had an 11 yr old son. Is that horrible? This square mile area is actually really nice, and it's on the outside of town, and fast growing, but the lot I was able to afford was in an already older established neighborhood, so the houses to our South are mostly new, and all the houses North are actually another neighborhood and are 30+ years old. So wish we didn't live here now. But we just did a home equity loan to pay off a lot of debt, so we're probably stuck here forever! \:\(

I am happy though because I found out about this juice that has people raving. 2 of the cubscout moms has experience major transformations because of it. One had a horrible bladder disease that she suffered for 5 immune thing too...and it took 3 years to find out what it was, well she was on drugs, some even made her hair fall out. Then she found several herbs that helped deal with the problem naturally instead, but she was still spending money on the pain meds I think. Well, after drinking this juice (2 ounces a day) for two weeks, she quit all her meds and herbs and has been symptom free since. She is sooooooo excited she is telling everyone.

SOOOOOO.... I've just started trying yesterday, and it even has my celedrin stuff in it too, so maybe I won't have to take my pills. Nikki, I'll definitely let you know how it works for me. So many people have had different types of problems, and to have it go away. So I'm hoping.

Nikki, about the goals. I guess one goal for me is taking care of my back and getting back to normal, and working out too. I think I'm gonna start going to gym every friday, and maybe one other day of the week. When my s8 is outa school, I think it will be easier, because he can help around the house and with s2. It's been harder since he's been in school, and totally didn't think it would be.

okay done for tonight. H just left to go out. I asked him if I was gonna get some tonight and he said probably with a smile. \:\)

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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ST - woo hoo, new thread for you! Very exciting

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and try not to think about the neighbors too much. It's frustrating when the whole "makeup" of your neighborhood changes around you. That happened to my mom, too. She's in a condo that went from mostly owner-occupied to mostly rented by a lot of really trashy people, but she can't afford to move so she's kind of stuck. She shares a garage with the condo next door and has caught the husband selling drugs out of their garage - YUCK. Anyway sorry to ramble about that. Hopefully it'll turn back around though.

Sounds like great goals, to me! Especially getting your back healed.

What fun things are you going to do for yourself this weekend?

I look forward to hearing how that juice works for you - keep us posted!

Me 35, H 38; Together 13.5 yrs, M 7
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Sep'd 1/14/07 - 4/15
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I am happy though because I found out about this juice that has people raving. 2 of the cubscout moms has experience major transformations because of it. One had a horrible bladder disease that she suffered for 5 immune thing too...and it took 3 years to find out what it was, well she was on drugs, some even made her hair fall out. Then she found several herbs that helped deal with the problem naturally instead, but she was still spending money on the pain meds I think. Well, after drinking this juice (2 ounces a day) for two weeks, she quit all her meds and herbs and has been symptom free since. She is sooooooo excited she is telling everyone.


This juice sounds wonderful! Would you mind giving us more details .. such as name, where you purchase it .. etc?

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UpNdown... I don't want to give too much info yet. Cause it's one of those marketing things that you can make money on too. So, if it really works for me, then I'm DEFINITELY gonna try to sell it. With all the great things I've heard about it helping other people (some of which I know) it will be such a great story and I'll feel really good about trying to help people with their health..and have my juice paid for in the process, and maybe even get paid period in the future. who knows.

Your suppose to try it at least 30 days to see if you get an affect or not. Some people have felt improvements within the first week, and others after the 30 days. I haven't felt anything yet, but natural remedies take time for your body to absorb and get rid of all the "bad" stuff, and heal. Definitely not like drugs that usually try to hide the problems and are an immediate fix. Of course the natural way makes one impatient, but it is so much better in the long run.

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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about your mom...that is HORRIBLE I feel so sorry for her. That's got to be scary too and I'm sure it helps fuel her negativity too!

Hey, speaking of your mom. Have you ever asked her why she thinks she's different from her mom? I've told my mom several times that she is headed to be just like my gma! She hates it. She sees it too. I told her she's gonna get worse because she's partially quit her realty work and tryin stocks instead..meaning, she has NO reason to see people! Not a good thing. I also think that people who are "stuck" in their homes and aren't around other people (especially positive people) will only become more and more negative. Especially if they watch tv, because that is all you see anymore. Both my gmas are like that, but I really don't have a problem talking to's not too often though, maybe thats why!?! how terrible of me. oops.

So maybe you could bring something up if your mom talks about her own mother's negativity, and you can say, do you think you'll be like that when your her age, or would you like to be like that when your her age...and follow up the answer. or something. I don't know. With men, it's better to use action, but I think with women, we are better able to understand spoken words, if done in the right way.

About the weekend. well. not much, playing at church (was denied singing on the extra songs- they've never heard me sing though- and I didn't even get upset! very good for me) and then getting ready for a consignment shop for kids. I have a TON of stuff I could sell, so I'll be making a little money. That's about it. wish I had something fun to do. But I don't have anyone to go out with, and I need to get my back better anyways. Hopefully my mom will keep the two boys (if the s2 cooperates) and James and I will have a good time alone for a couple days. Wish he didn't have to work though.

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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ok. totally crazy last night. I was up really late trying to get that kids sale thing ready. It was 7pm when I last got txt from H. I knew he wasn't going out friday, but sat instead, so when it was 2am, I knew I wouldn't hear from him, and I needed to charge phone, so I turned it off. I also shut my door with the hall light on to give me a little light, being I'm all alone. \:\) Well, my s2 musta turned down the home phone and I never heard it ring until the 5th time and I thought I heard a beep and woke up to check it. 5 messages were left from H, and I started listening to them and was thinking, something musta happened with the kids. Well, I'm turning my cell on and calling him, and then by the time he answers I hear him on the answering machine (still listening to these 5 messages playing out) he's cussing out me yelling "where the F*** are you...F* blah blah". Immediately I say, 'oh, that's nice, now your cussing at me.' Well, I end up laughing because, well, that's my way of dealing with craziness sometimes, and he's getting mad. Come to find out, the little things that happened today made him think that I was out messing around. ya. Because he had called me and I was driving to the bank (didn't tell him this) and I mentioned, oh crap I drove the wrong way, I'm retarded. Then I had told him that maybe I would send him a crazy pic the next day.. So he thought I had somethin major planned friday night and that's why I "wasn't home" and not answering my cell. oh my gosh. I said, well we aparently aren't ok. And I also said, I guess I need to realize that this is going to be hard for me to gain back your trust because to me I thought I had all these years to show you and prove my trust, but since you just found out, it's like I have to start all over again.

Well. So much was said, and I can't remember a lot of it. But it ended okay, and he appologized (definitely a new trait in him) about cussing at me. I told him that I would make sure my cell is on whenever he is gone. He had kept questioning me saying well you always hear the phone when I'm there, or why was your door shut.. etc. I'm just like, I DON"T KNOW!!!! I was shaking the whole time talking to him too. All this at 3:30 in the morning.

What I should have said though was, it makes me sad to think you immediately think I'm doing something, instead of thinking, what if she's hurt or something bad happened. That's what I would be thinking anyways. He did say that he has 99% of the trust back, but that 1% still bugs him sometimes.

OOOOOH,. which reminds me, it was after that he said, that's why I hate you being on that website of yours. and I'm thinking.. Myspace? (which I don't hardly use) and he said the divorce thing. I'm like, I don't understand why you hate that. and he basically thinks that some guy is going to start telling me all the things that he doesn't do (like complimenting and stuff) which is one of the reasons I told him when I cheated on him, I felt like he didn't love me and I allowed someone else to fool me into believing everything they were saying. Well, I told him, these are people who are hurting and dying to have their spouses back. I feel obligated to help because I've been there. and he just totally doesn't understand. One analogy I gave, which might have helped, was that because I've been through it all, people are going to really want my advice, or be thankful for it because it's like drug addicts who have somebody preachin at them telling em what to do, but the preacher never did drugs or anything, and these addicts are thinking..ya, whatever, you don't know anything. But if it's someone who had been one themselves, they are going to look at them and say, yes, this guy understands me.

I told him if he really wanted me to quit, if it really made him feel bad, that I would. Although it made me very sad. He said he didn't want to make me do anything. So I'm glad for that. j

oh. such an emotionally draining thing.

He also said that he doesn't need affirmation, and people giving him compliments because he knows who he is, and what he is, and will basically take some compliments (didn't say from me) as just being nice, and not really sincere. I said, but wouldn't you like to have compliments rather than none? That was another whole story though.

I'm tired now.

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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Hi ST -

Wow, that sounds like a really tough night. I hope you got some rest and can think this through a little more when you're not so tired.


Me 35, H 38; Together 13.5 yrs, M 7
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Sep'd 1/14/07 - 4/15
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thanks for the hug Nikki!

Things definitely settled down. And it was so cool that he appologized. like I said, he NEVER EVER did that. We had some good texts back and forth while he was gone. He even wrote (on his way back home) that when he got home, he wanted to shave, shower, get a blow job,....get laid a couple different ways, go to sleep. YIKES! totally made my heart flutter! I love it when he TALKS about stuff. Like the one night when we were home alone, days after finding out about me, we were watching a movie him lying behind me, and wispered in my ear while touching me saying "I'm gonna do -this, this,, and this" don't wanna gross you out...although I may have already! And I tell you, I've never been turned on so much in my life!

It's really cool when sex becomes more open. You should try saying little things to your H. I bet he'd get really horny!

I'm trying to work up the nerve to dance on him again. Still so embarrassing, and it shouldn't be, but I'm gonna do it someday. I really dare you to do it too!!!!

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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just stating that my H asked me out to a movie tonight! having the kids outa town definitely increased those chances, but woohoo, we haven't been out in a long time, only once this year so far. Well, really once in almost 12 months!

Me 33 H 34 S9 S3
M 6 yrs (2gether 11 yrs)
EA/PA 1/2006
DB 5/2006
H wants D 6/2006
H wants ME 8/2006
H "said" PA/EA over 8/2006
H erased OW off phone! 2/2007

"It is far better 2 choose humility & change oneself, than 2 wait in vain trying 2 chang someone else."
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