Really??? Craziness! I worry about this when D16 has Marching Band events, and that H will just show up with gf without warning! He also drives one of the buses for the band, and I swear heads will roll if he brings gf on the bus with the kids! Actually here, because it is a school function, only those who have been cleared by a background check and the school board can be on those buses. Whew! But I have a feeling H will bring her around SOMEWHERE we are this summer. We have festivals all over and work a fundraising booth at all these events. I have tried to prepare D16 for this, but she just says she won't even speak to him if he does that to her.

IB, didn't mean to hijack. You keep on rockin' girl!!

W47 H48 D16
H gone 11/9/10 lives w/OW

When you forgive,you heal. When you let go,you grow. When you cry to God, you surrender. When you love unconditionally, you show others Christ's love.