DnJ and I have, like all of the other posters, have experienced some very difficult things when it comes to MLCers. They do not operate logically. Everything is emotional for them. They are like 13 year olds who have hormones going nuts full throttle or better yet, 2 year olds that are going through that period of time. They are depressed and do not understand why they feel the way they do. They lash out at others because they are the people they feel safest lashing out at. None of this is personal towards you and your child.

Now about his behavior towards your daughter. When he is doing that crazy making stuff and saying those things to her, call him on it. Do not allow him to brow beat your child. This is exactly the type of behavior he experienced as a child and you do not want your child to feel less than good. He is projecting on to you and your daughter what happened to him. Call him on that behavior as it is not acceptable and then you and your daughter walk away.

They truly become the mirror image of the person you love and knew, i.e., the exact opposite. In his own way, he maybe he's hoping you will toss him out. He needs to leave on his own so that he can't point the finger at you for putting him out.

Hang in there! I am so sorry he's acting out and saying those things to your daughter. I pray that this weekend will be quieter for you and your daughter.