There are a few helpful commands available for formatting your posts. These commands or “tags” are within square brackets and have two parts - [tag] and [/tag].

The first, [tag], signifies the starts of the command, and the [/tag] signifies ends the command. The text in between is what is affected by the command.

Available commands fall into two categories:

- Simple tags: [tag]something[/tag]
- Simple parameterized tags: [tag=value]something[/tag]

Below is a list of commands with the output following the command syntax.


The following illustrates how to create bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and color.

[b]This text is bold.[/b]

This text is bold.

[i]This text is italic.[/i]

This text is italic.

[u]This text is underline.[/u]

This text is underline.

[s]This text is strikethrough.[/s]

This text is strikethrough.

[color=red]Red text.[/color]

Red text.

[color=green]Green text.[/color]

Green text.

[color=blue]Blue text.[/color]

Blue text.

[color=#842476]Hexadecimal referenced color text.[/color]

Hexadecimal referenced color text.

(The color reference is a hexadecimal of RGB levels. 00 to FF, 256 levels of color. First two red, next two green, last two blue. 16,777,216 different colors/shades available.)


Quoting provides a means of highlighting selected text and optionally including the author of the quote. It is useful for drawing attention to a specific part of a post, and/or clarifying/tying your response to that specific part.

[quote]Selected text.[/quote]

Selected text.

[quote=User]Selected text.[/quote]

Originally Posted by User
Selected text.


It is useful to provide a link to your next thread and to your previous thread(s) for folks following along. You can simply paste in the copied url from the address bar or you can use the URL command in which you can provide a title instead of the web address.

Note: Linking is only for within the DB forum and outside links are not permitted. (Forum Rules)

[url=Address]Link Title[/url]

(The following examples both link to the For Newcomers forum. The first with no title, the second with a link title.)


[url=]For Newcomers[/url]

For Newcomers


Commands can be combined. For example bold and red text. Quotes can be nested; a quote within a quote. Realize a command is active until the [/tag] portion of it. It is helpful and less error prone to insert line breaks in nested quotes and commands (though not strictly necessary); it just helps with matching [tag] and [/tag]. Also previewing before posting is a good idea.

A few examples to illustrate:

[u][color=blue]Underline and blue.[/color][/u]

Underline and blue.

[b][color=blue]Bold [/color][color=red]text [/color][color=#987654]with[/color] [color=#87ab45]various [/color]colors of the [color=#ff0000]R[/color][color=#ff7f00]A[/color][color=#ffff00]I[/color][color=#00ff00]N[/color][color=#0000ff]B[/color][color=#4b0082]O[/color][color=#9400d3]W.[/color][/b]

Bold text with various colors of the RAINBOW.

[quote=DnJ][color=red][b]Feelings are fleeting.[/b][/color]
[quote=DnJ][color=#ffcc00][i]Be better, not bitter.[/i][/color]
[quote=DnJ][color=#00ffff]Love the person, forgive the sin.[/color][/quote][/quote][/quote]

Originally Posted by DnJ
Feelings are fleeting.
Originally Posted by DnJ
Be better, not bitter.
Originally Posted by DnJ
Love the person, forgive the sin.