Originally Posted by Kind18
Originally Posted by TellMeSo
I made an absolutely bold move today for full detaching/GAL. Bought tickets for a vacation on the other side of the world. And guess what? It's our anniversary! If she will want to comeback and celebrate it together she can buy tickets later, if not I will be enjoying it with my friends. One way or another it will be a great anniversary! smile With or without her!

Just dig down deep inside and make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. If you’re doing it to make a statement or pressure/manipulate her, it will blow up badly. You have to be completely okay with her deciding she’s going on her own vacation, to the opposite side of the world to you.

Thanks for commenting. This is fully my decision based on me. To be honest, I did not even know the dates when my friend was booking it laugh It's just a strange coincidence.

These days I am fully focused on me. Wishing her happiness and peaceful mind. I would even be glad if she went on her own trip if it helps her be happy.