Originally Posted by Dats000
Originally Posted by Ready2Change
Always hard reading the "We told the kids" posts. Definitely triggers my emotions and empathy.

Sorry you had to experience this. 14 years ago for me, and I remember every detail. We will never truly know how this effects our kids, but I believe as long as both parents are active in their kids lives that they come out fine.

Give your kids lots of hugs and enjoy your time with them. Mine are all out the house. Crazy how fast time flies.

Thanks and I agree. S12 who’s with me in my bedroom tonight doing his homework? He like to hang out with me and the dogs. I asked him how he was doing and he said fine. A friend of mine told me fine meant feelings inside not expressed. He’s gotta have questions in his head. In less than two months, he’s gonna start living somewhere else half the time. He’s only lived in this house in one bedroom, in one bed his whole life. His parents were home every night with him 99% of the time now only one of them will be living with him at a time. Maybe he hasn’t gotten this far to think about this

I took d12 and her friend to watch a high school event. She had only invited this friend and one other from her activity team. Normally the parents let everyone know that their kids are going to the high school events. She said she only invited these two friends because their parents are divorced too. I thought to myself wow.

Time has already gone by quick and days are just going by quicker. I do appreciate my time with my kids more and more as I get older and they get older.

My son (13) also comes in and does his homework with me, too. Always has. You sound like an awesome parent! Good on ya!

Kids have it worse than we do and that breaks my heart. I dread the thought of them splitting time. I’m afraid that my sitch is going to get pretty messy and I’ll have to pick up the pieces.

All we can do is show them the love and support the need and deserve. Do our best ina mad world.