My big news:

I finally hit the bullet and asked my ex to revisit child support. He wasn’t too shocked , but he did cry poverty. He’s really sucked dry every month paying for that stupid hotel timeshare they bought. Which has brought them to Italy, San Diego, Hawaii, and myrtle beach every year. 🙄 feel so bad. And she came into the marriage with student loan debt she is still laying off. Boooooohooooooo

But I was nice. I told him we can either work something out between us, or we can formally go through the courts. He said he is going to think on it.

I really only want money for the what my D needs. I explained that we don’t shop at children’s place anymore. Sneakers cost $100 she has a little
But if a social life. I told him she never asks you for this stuff and only me, and I want to be able to stop saying “ask your father” I say no to her often. But there are basic needs that I always fulfill that are just so expensive now.

I’m proud I finally did it. Trust me, I hate asking. I feel inadequate. I work a career and some extra, but being the only contributor to the house hold kills me. 2 of my incomes? That would be a whole different story .