Don’t know if in hindsight I should have asked her to tell me more.

Think about DB principles. You should be able to answer your own question by now.

Let me spell it out:

1. “Tell me more about what you’d need to move in”
- her brain “this guy is weak AF and he’s just sitting around waiting for me to come back. I can have him at any time. I’m not at risk of losing anything. I’ll keep him in my back pocket while I check out what else is available.”

2. “I don’t want to live with someone who isn’t sure they want to be with me. I’m going out for pizza and beers with some friends.”
- her brain “wow, he doesn’t seem to give a **** about me. Sounds like he’s getting on with his life. By the time I go through my MLC he might not be there waiting. He’s very in control of his emotions and strong. Doesn’t seem like he needs anyone. That’s attractive. What an alpha man.”

I’m not sure how much clearer I can spell it out.

99.9% of times, getting involved in discussions with a WS or WAS about your relationship is another nail in the coffin. It should be avoided at all costs.