Originally Posted by MikeP
Originally Posted by bttrfly
Good morning Mike.

Have you read Gordie's threads yet?

Have you given some thought to what your core values/guiding principles are today, post BD?

LMK if you need a link to Gord's threads.

here's a snippet of what I mean by finding your core values:

Originally Posted by bttrfly
This worked for me: finding out what my core values/principles were and trying my best to incorporate them into my life. I say finding out, like it was a scavenger hunt. That's not exactly correct. A more accurate statement would be that I looked for common themes/threads. Several emerged: gratitude, humor, compassion, service and the hardest of all for me right now: love.

So again, I say to you my friend - what are the common threads in your life? Therein lies your personal happiness.


I did start reading Gordie’s thread yesterday, haven’t read it all yet. Based on the snippet you shared I would say humor, service, and love are values I have also incorporated in my life as well. I’ve been working on compassion. Should definitely work on gratitude. Watching Jimmy V speak last night reminded me how much I have to be grateful for.
you need to find which patterns are yours, Mikey, not mine. Then synthesize that down to values.
We may have some overlap but we may not. Helps if you know your love languages as a guide