Originally Posted by MikeP
She wants to be happy. It hurts so much to think someone else can make her happy.
Someone else can't make her happy. Only she can make herself happy. Same with you. It is your job to find happy. Get yourself happy without "needing" her in your life. Do not put your happiness in someone else's hands.

Right now she is blaming her unhappiness on the one constant thing (besides herself) that has been in her life, YOU. That is why you do not want to increase any resentment, yours or hers.

This is why you let go of control. Project that you are happy (Calm and content) until you make it. Focus on every little thing that is good about your life. Wake up and take a deep breath and feel how good that feels. Get in the shower and feel how good the hot water feels. Enjoy the smell of your shampoo. All day long do this. Do not think during these experiences, just be.