
First I want to thank you so much for that post. You absolutely understand where my mind is at right now . What my concerns are and how to approach them. I read it yesterday morning and me and my kid spent the day together and I couldn’t reply the way I wanted to. Better than any therapist I could run anything by, actually.

Sunday night when her dad texted her asking her to make Wednesday her night this week. She did start crying and having an anxiety attack again. She told him yes though .
Then yesterday we spent time together at the mall and such . She told me over lunch she has decided she doesn’t want to tell him she knows. She said she realized last night her fear comes from what would happen to their relationship if he knew she saw that. So she says she prefers not to say anything right now. She will go there with her grandma. She want things to just be “normal”

I told her I support this as long as she is comfortable and isn’t filled with anxiety when she goes there. I also told her honestly that this will likely come out on its own at some point and that might lead to some changes. She said she understood. She just doesn’t want to be that catalyst

I, of course want her to be just be comfortable . I also want him to suffer some consequences. But he never does

As far as his wife knowing ? I wouldn’t doubt she knows something is going on. However, I am almost positive she doesn’t know it’s her best friend I imagine that is not “allowed” in an open marriage agreement if there was even one.

As for me, I can’t even face talking to him right now. He wants to discuss schedules and I don’t even want to engage .

I’m just going to have to suck this all up