I did truly want her to have it
And too see her again because I did know it truly was the end.

I’m sorry Dink, but I need to be blunt.

Your big argument was, amongst other things, because you manipulated her. You wanted to see her again (your words, not mine) and so that’s why you didn’t tell her what it was you had for her. She came and got pissed off because she felt manipulated into coming to see you (which is entirely what happened).

I’m not going to tell you what you should have done instead. Or what you could have said differently, because you shouldn’t be saying anything at all.

The last few posters told you that you should be drawing a hard line on communication and strictly limiting it. That’s because if you don’t, this stuff happens and makes things even worse.

I know the emotional part of you still wants to see her/be around her. I get it. We ALL get it. How do you just switch off how you feel?

But the answer to that is simply that if you don’t take the hard steps to go silent and limit all conversation, you’re only hurting yourself even more.

I know it’s hard - but the advice on this forum and from the veterans is right and should be heeded. If you choose to ignore it, you’ll be back here again and again saying “I stuffed up.”

What are YOU doing to keep busy? Exercise? Hobbies? Socialisation? Now is the time to focus 0% on her and 100% on you.