Non one’s been forced to do anything. There are certain jobs that require vaccinest… and there always have been.

And Don…I really don’t know what to make of you. Sometimes you are supportive and then other times, I just think you are probably one of the most negative, angry people I’ve ever come into contact with. I get you disagree with me but I don’t get your disdain and your judgemental comments…not just about this…about a lot of things.

And yeah…you bet…I was extremely irritated. I hate being late for things and I wholeheartedly disagree with them and everything they stand for. Their upside down flags. Their derogatory, ignorant signs. Their claim to be “fighting for freedom” and their disrespect for the people who have come before them who actually have fought for freedom (dancing on the grave of the unknown soldier).

And the numbers are correct. It’s a matter of public record. 93% of adults in my province are vaccinated.