Pattnee, good to see you doing so well. A couple of things stood out to me that can really help newbies.

First, an MLC isn't the good news many LBSs think it is. "Oh, they are in a MLC, so all I have to do is wait it out!" First, I don't like calling it a Mid-life Crisis. It is more likely a Mid-life Change. As in, this new person they have become IS who they are now. I think we like the idea of a crisis because it means that it has an end date. Most, unfortunately, do not.

Second, I love how peaceful you have become through emotional detachment. Your reaction to what he said to you, your feeling about, just everything screams emotional detachment! Even the "His mess, his "stuff", good luck to him...." is all pure emotional detachment. Newies take note: this is what you are striving for.

Great update, Pattnee. Good luck with the ARFB. Sounds fun (even if I never understood that sport as a dumb Yankee!).