Originally Posted by Rock
Welcome back Mach1. Thank you for this and all of your shared wisdom.

Thanks Rock...

I look forward to your answers to some of those questions...

: )

Originally Posted by P
Thanks, Mach. This list is great. I look forward to reflecting on these statements and questions as I continue to work on my journey. I really appreciate you making the time to create it.

Hey P....

Don't think that we've formally met....

Thank you,

And, you are welcome..

Originally Posted by Thornton
Mach! It's good to see your name pop up on the forum!

It's been years since I've been here but recently decided just to check in.

You said something so poignant to me when I was in the depths of hell that I printed it out and still have to this day. I remember reading it daily in my office at work when I was just trying to stop the bleeding.

I truly appreciate that you took me under your wing when I struggled just to make it through the day.

Hope you're doing well my friend.



Man, I sent you something to your ThorDB account on social media like 10 years ago....

Been wondering about how you are doing. You were one of my guys....

I'm glad that I could be around when you needed it the most.

How are thangs ?