Hello Folks

Yesterday my pre-tank for the hot water heater sprung a leak. This is just a hot water tank with no elements that circulates into the geothermal unit which will heat the water when it’s running. This pre-heated water then enters into the actual hot water tank which only has to raise it a bit to operating temperature instead of heating it all the way from ground water temperature. Thus saving money.

I was pulling some wiring through the wall and floor from the living room into the basement for the new lighting sconces. This required several trips back and forth from living room to basement; one guy with no helper it’s tougher to work both ends of the cable run. smile

On one of the trips downstairs I saw a water puddle on the floor. The water system - softeners, heating, and valves - is beside the stairs. The puddle wasn’t there one the last trip. So, a leak that is rather speedy. Attending to this took priority over my living room with the furniture move, holes cuts into walls, and such.

This tank was install by the contractor when the geothermal unit was installed back in 2003. Twenty years and no problems is pretty good. However, upon investigation into how to mitigate and repair this - there is no shut off valves, no bypass valves, nothing. Sigh.

Oh well, shut off the house water. Depressurized the system. Cut the lines to the leaking tank. Installed bypass valve so as to get the hot water tank up and running. Installed shut off valves on the two lines that feed the pre-tank. Turn the water back on for the house.

Living in the country and a minimum couple hours from supplies, I got a pretty good selection of tools and supplies for just about any household repairs or projects.

Drained the tank and hauled it up the stairs and outside; then took it to the dump. Went and purchased a new tank. Hauled it down stairs.

Today, cleaned up the mess and remaining water. Unpackaged the new tank. Made a base for the new tank using four 12” treated 2x6’s. Set the tank in place and levelled it. Connected the tank to the newly installed shut off valves. Attached the circulation lines from the geothermal unit.

Filled the new tank. Pressure tested. Checked for leaks. All looks good.

It’s 7:00 pm. Took a nice shower. Arms sore. Legs sore. Back sore. I think I’ll go and rustle up some supper.

Back to the living room project tomorrow. Maybe. smile