Originally Posted by LH19
So Rock I’ve been around for awhile and what I typically see is these posts by lbs that their spouses are reaching out because they want reassurance from posters it’s a good sign. I did it myself when I was posting my sitch. The truth is it means nothing. I am going to challenge you to stop posting “my W has been reaching out lately”.

Focus all your energy on your kids and yourself.

^^^^ 100%

Nothing has changed until she verbalizes that something has changed....

Most of those interactions are small touch and go's from her, to make sure you are right where she left you.

It isn't "pursuit" from her, it's fear and guilt from her. And it's coming out the only way that she has the ability to show it.

I would always kick GAL up a notch after those.

For now....look through the windshield, not the mirrors...