1. Turn the tracking off.

2. Your son:

- tell your son that there’s no-one else in your life because you’re married, but you have to turn off tracking because his Mum is using it to stalk you.

- tell him that you understand he likes to know where you are and that if he’s worried he can text you anytime and you’ll always answer. Tell him his phone is for him and for him alone.

3. Your wife:

- she cheated. Twice. And now she’s stalking you. Document everything that happened in a statement. Sign it with a lawyer or police officer as witness.

- tell her NOTHING. Don’t engage whatsoever with her. DEFINITELY don’t tell her there’s no-one else, let her sweat on it.

- she’s desperately anchor checking. Don’t give her a green light to continue doing what she’s doing by affirming you’re going to wait for her. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

4. There’s no doubt that if you were doing this to her, she’d be claiming you’re abusive/controlling and taking out an AVO. I’d seriously consider getting your lawyer to write to her about it.