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Originally Posted by doodler

What happens if the Turkish Taco Lady shows up at your doorstep with poetry book in hand and requests a place to store her stuff and a bed to sleep on?

Think it couldn't happen? No one would've dreamed that Harry and Meghan would be moving to Canada. Things happen. Just sayin'.
I already have the complete works of William Topaz McGonagall (the better known antecedent to Minerva McGonagall) I particularly love the rendition of his classic "The Tay Bridge Disaster" by "The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre". I also have an unread copy of the Spoon River Anthology courtesy of The Gutenberg Project. To the best of my knowledge an interpretation of it has not as yet been attempted by kilt wearing socks. But then again, how could a sock wear pants. The chances of TTL showing up on my door are I think even lower than my ex-wife stopping by to ask for my pancake recipe. I do though historically try to keep a bed made up in one of the spare rooms for any such eventualities. I would expect that any book of poetry she would bring would be for her own consumption and not for sharing. Being as she is rather smarter than me, she'd have to explain all the big words anyway.
Originally Posted by doodler

Q: What's stranger than Andrew's mating habits?

A: Deep fried sushi poutine.

For real. Deep fried sushi poutine; it's like a culinary oxymoron.
But at least it's something that I felt comfortable googling in non-incognito mode. I do quite enjoy butter chicken poutine from New York Fries (a company that has nothing to do with New York). Multi-culturalism at it's best.

I do have a bit of a head-cold today and am dragging. I even added my own version of Wow Wow sauce to my eggs this morning to try to strip mine my sinuses
Originally Posted by
Wow-Wow Sauce
A very potent and highly unstable condiment. One of the main problems with Wow-Wow Sauce is its tendency to turn into an explosive when mixed with charcoal, the only element of gunpowder that it lacks.

I leave you with this gem
Originally Posted by Dave The Barbarian
I knew an egg by the name of Steve
Laid by a moo-cow, I believe
Wore pants, suspenders and a tie
And only washed his face on the fifth of July
Steve took a nap in a frying pan and woke up next to sausages!

Steve the Egg, Steve the Egg
How do you wear pants without no legs
Steve the Egg, Steve the Egg
He woke up next to sausages!
I may need to actually take some cold medications methinks. Or remember if I have already.

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Originally Posted by AndrewP
I may need to actually take some cold medications methinks. Or remember if I have already.

Definitely take more meds; your last post was awesome!

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Cough, sniff, wheeze

Still struggling through this darned head-cold.

S and the kids stopped by on Thursday for a visit and I think for S to show off the place. Her D18 was impressed when she saw the master suite where I opened a door - then another one - then another one. Her D25 who was up for a visit made dinner while I got to play with the GS. They offered to stay to help clean up but it was getting late so I shooed them out the door around 9:00. As it was I woke up at 3:00 with a very stuffy head and decided to stay home yesterday. Had a nice long soak in the tub which I think helped a lot.

The cats were a bit stressed out during the visit but will probably be ok. I made a point of making sure that they didn't feel trapped and did have to rescue them a couple of times when they got on the other side of strangers and the upstairs. Liz and S's dog had a "to-do" that I think ended up at a noisy draw. S dashed off as soon as she heard them start and corralled her dog who is a small noisy thing - poodle cross I believe. Small doses. The dog has become very attached to me which might be part of the problem.

S stopped by again last night for a short visit on her way home from dropping D25 off at the train. Weekend plans were discussed and we (I) decided that Saturday will be mine to clean house, relax and drink some beer. She and the boys may be by on Sunday for dinner (ham and scalloped potatoes).

I did mention to her that I'd talked to the insurance and township people and she was a bit surprised, perhaps slightly put out but over all pleased I think that I was being thoughtful. She did mention that one of her big issues in her former marriage was that she felt that she had no voice nor control over anything. I need to watch my tendency to be a fixer.

S25 just left to head out to a buddy's stag party about 3 hours drive away. I don't expect him back until late Sunday or even possibly Monday morning. He's made plans for places to crash especially because alcohol will certainly be involved.

Doctor's appointment is Monday. I've been monitoring my blood pressure for the last week or so and it is certainly consistently elevated. My pressure cuff died though early this week and I got a wrist based one. Much more convenient. Even while it may not look like it, I do take ownership of my health and do the best I can.

So - I have the house to myself (and the cats) for the next day or so. I'll probably wander around scratching myself and burping. Ah - freedom! But first I have to go out in to a rather blustery day and get my groceries and flowers. I probably won't get out for a walk today but will put a lot of miles in inside the house dusting, scrubbing and sweeping. Tomorrow should be a good day to get out and about.

I do in many ways honestly enjoy the bachelor life. I've taken on board all the concerns and input of others and will continue on the path that I'm on with my eyes as wide open as I can manage. S is an excellent companion. Kind, caring and loving. A bit smothering at times some of which I put down to insecurity. Even if it doesn't come across in my posts I do care for her and love her dearly. It does dip in to the heady dopamine and oxytocin fueled regions but in many ways it's the comfort of knowing that she's "there" and that we are both looking to build something good together that I love. We find that we strongly compliment each other and when faced with a challenge rely on the other's different perspective to find our way through. I'm learning something too that I never had before. A trust that things will work out without having to have every last detail planned out and driven by me. It's a pretty awesome feeling. And worth giving up the ability to sit in my underwear and drink beer each evening.

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Well - I expect that people are wondering about my doctor's appt. I am at times in awe of how virtual strangers care about my well-being.

The short version is that my GP is adding a "calcium pill" to the statin and ACE inhibitor I already take. I'll take the new pill in the morning and keep taking the others in the evening to even out the effects. He's also going to send me to my cardiologist for a consult. I like my cardiologist. He's one that prefers to not do any interventions. My prior angiogram was 10 years ago so another may be ordered. I will admit that it gives me a certain amount of comfort that I can count on S to support me during that or even S25. My ex was upset at taking the day off work at the convenience store she worked at and was going to drop me off and pick me up later. Her boss "informed" her that she was taking the day off. Ah - mawwiage - that dweam within a dweam.

Sunday supper was good. S's S17 didn't come as he was working. S showed S12 the back yard for the first time which while not DnJ sized, is a decent yard. I have about a 1/4 acre total with lots of trees etc. He told his mother that she needs to marry me now wink She gave him a non-committal answer she said. This isn't the first time that he's made comments like that. I kept my mouth shut.

S25 came home from his adventures just as we were finishing up. He'd eaten on the way home and had to rush out to his poker game. He does like left-over scalloped potatoes and there's a decent amount left. We tried another variety of dealcoholized wine which was better but still not great.

We three watched some TV after dinner (Monk on Prime) and were interrupted by a group video chat from SIL2. So - my oldest sister who has the same first name as S has now met her at least virtually. I worry about my sister. She's still struggling with some serious physical and mental health issues that got worse after her husband died about 4 years ago following a very lengthy illness. She just recently was terminated from her job that she was on medical leave from - got a good package to keep her from making a fuss. She does have a good support system where she lives in another province which includes some volunteer work and good friends who regularly get her out and involve her in their lives.

Some of my family is pushing for her to move "back home". I personally don't agree and have said that. She's not lived in this province for over 20 years and other than the rather small immediate family has no support structures here. What her own opinions are, I'm not sure but she appreciates the offers but seems firmly rooted where she is.

Well - that's my update. Back to work. It's going to be a tough week. My head cold is almost better but there's going to be a lot of driving without a break. It's S's "free" weekend coming up and she's planning on being here to help celebrate Robbie Burns Day on Saturday. I'll be making a haggis substitute for her as we can't be 100% sure that the haggis I have is gluten free. She'll also need to be in another part of the house when I make the whiskey and cream sauce for S25 and I. This will be my second year doing this. I'm glad that she is supportive of my own traditions no matter how old or new or even if they are ones she can't participate in. I am working on being similarly supportive and know that I only have mixed success.

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Glad there is a clear path to get your health back in check. And, I'm SO glad that S and s25 are both going to be there to help you. Of course a lot of people care about you, Andrew. You are a very caring and genuine person yourself and when you put it out into the universe it comes back to you. That's how life is supposed to work, anyway. wink

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I am glad you visited your doctor...but we all will be much happier after you see the cardiologist. When are you seeing the cardiologist? How was your Vitamin D?

Well, my question is this...what are you thinking of giving S for Valentine's Day? A ring? Sounds like S12 is already set to move in. LOL!

Laying all jokes aside, it's good that you have S and S25 around to help you. Don't be shy in asking S's kids to help out when they are there. There is nothing wrong in them clearing the table, washing and drying dishes. If they make a mess, they should be responsible to clean it up...not you!

Take care of yourself.

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
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Thanks Dawn and job.

The GP didn't order any blood tests so I am unsure about vitamin D. I take generic 50+ multivitamins.

I'll probably find out about the cardiologist appointment in the next few days.

I've kept S well informed and she is concerned and she probably has the best perspective on my health going. She says that she has noticed that I am much more tired these days.

For Valentine's I am having my florist put together a bouquet for S and my friend who runs the cafe / bakery that S works at part time is doing up a basket of gluten free treats. She and one of the other staff had evil grins when I told them that they have carte blanche on decorating. It should be fun. No. No ring wink

Well - off to bed. I'm out for dinner with a friend tomorrow night, then one short day and two "very" long ones. S will be coming over on Friday night for the weekend. I told her that I will probably just crash when I get home. It will be good to come home to her to rest. Just being around her does help the stress and tension of everyday life drain away.

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Originally Posted by AndrewP
For Valentine's I am having my florist put together a bouquet for S and my friend who runs the cafe / bakery that S works at part time is doing up a basket of gluten free treats.


Before Valentine's Day I think you should come clean with S regarding your little secret.

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Originally Posted by doodler

Before Valentine's Day I think you should come clean with S regarding your little secret.
You mean ... That secret ??? I dunno man. The armadillo I might be able to explain but ....

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Originally Posted by AndrewP
You mean ... That secret ???

No, no, not that secret; the other-other secret. You know, the double-secret secret. The secret that no one knows about except for maybe a select few people and anyone that they may have told. It's the big secret that's so disturbing that everyone wants to know what it is, but they'll regret ever having knowledge of the secret. It's THAT secret.

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