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As someone who is dating a lady who is working towards 57 - perky will stay perky longer I don't doubt laugh B is quite shapely for a lady her age but some of the shapes aren't the same as what she had at 36 I'm sure.

Don't worry about M. He'll come around but this is pretty traumatic for him too for lots of reasons especially since he's a self described boob guy. I'm not a boob guy but I know that it was something I had to work through when my wife of the time got her's mostly removed.

Glad you came through OK.

H52, W50
T27, M26
S21, D23
D-15-Jan-18 Final-19-Apr-18
I am a storyteller. The story may do you no good.
But a story is never for the listener. It is always for the one who tells
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Thanks Andrew. He has no problem with the size. He’s not necessarily a “large” boob man, he just loves them. And 2 nights before the surgery he said “ I think you are making the right choice for yourself, your daughter and me. So he really wanted me to do this.

He’s back to himself again. He’s been wonderful not letting me do anything , taking care of me and the dog. He went out and got us sushi last night He even helped me reposition my bra and drains. He’s been very loving and he held my hand while we slept and would kiss me. He’s been great. We made it out for breakfast and now he’s going home to get his tools then he will be back.

I know he is going through his stuff. But he does show up. He’s a very special guy.

And I took my bandages off today and I am very happy woth my result. They look amazing. I am very happy with my decision. Getting excited to buy some new bras and cute dresses and tops. I’m motivated to lose the weight .

All is good. I’m glad it’s over with

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I am very glad to read that things are going well. I'm glad your surgery is over too and I think you made the right decision for you.

Once you are completely healed up....look out stores...Ginger will be there purchasing new bras, tops and dress!

Have a great weekend and do not try to do too much.

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The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.
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Happy to hear that things went good G.

Married 14, Together 17
M: 44, W: 43, D: 8, D: 6
M: 46, W: 45. D: 10. D: 8 (CUR)
Bomb Dropped: 5/28/2017
Separation Date: 6/17/2017
Divorce Filed: 2/7/2018
Divorce Final: 4/12/2018
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Thanks guys! I’m getting used to my new body. But clothes shopping I am sure will make it more fun.

Pain is there but not bad. I’m supposed to go to my friends house tonight but I remembered I’m not supposed to drive. ... she lives 5 min away, so I’ll see how I’m feeling.

M has been a total and complete rockstar. He put in all my outlets and worked for like 7 hours yesterday. I helped him a little for what I could do. I’ve been super tired and I fell asleep on the couch while he worked his butt off and I felt so bad. But he was fine woth it. He stayed last night too. I really love sleeping next to him and waking up next to him. We had our coffee, went to Home Depot so he could get some stuff to seal things up. He cut up all my branches that fell off the tree in the back yard for me. My ex was NOT handy at all and M is super handy and has a genius mind woth these things. I love it. It’s almost 70 degrees here and he went snowboarding for the last day of the season. He certainly earned that. He has been walking my dog in the night and takes him out when he can for me. He calls himself my dogs daddy. He kind of is, he’s been there since the beginning with him. And my dog actually listens to him

I need to find a way to repay him. I want to do something really nice for him on a weekend we get together. Which might not be for a few weeks. Schedules kind of stink sometimes to get alone time in, but we do the best we can.

I’m grateful and blessed. I got myself a gem.

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Bad news: my drains aren’t coming out tomorrow. Maybe Wednesday. Maybe. Which means I can’t go back to work . That’s not so bad, but I need a real shower. I’ve been in all day long. Tomorrow I go for my complimentary massage ( I get 3) Wednesday, definitely stiches, maybe drains.

I started low carb diet lazy keto today. I need to lose this weight. It’s gotta go, especially now with my body so different. I am attempting grocery shopping tomorrow.

M took a big step today and invited D11 and I on his summer vacay with him and his son. I didn’t expect that, and I imagine it’s a big step for him. Hopefully I get the time off of work. Then the week after that, we will be vacationing together. I’m looking forward to it, it’ll be a nice beach vacation. We plan on bringing our dog too, if mine is fully housebroken by then. Great stuff to look forward too. He also accepted an invitation to the beer bacon and BBQ festival with my friends and I. That’ll be fun.

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Nothing exciting to report in my world. I got my drains outbtuesday, yay! And had intentions of going back to work yesterday. I felt great on Wednesday, Hung out woth my friend in the morning did some stuff around the house and relaxed, then I actually put real clothes on and did my makeup and M and I went out to dinner. And there was sexy time! . He Is very sweet and knows I am having a rough time dealing with my body change and calls me beautiful.

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling too hot, but at 11 am I had my occupational med appt so I could return to work right from there. The nurse comes in and looks at me and says “sure you are ready?” Then the nurse practitioner comes in who was supposed to clear me and says the same thing. And she figured out that I only have to take that day as PTO and Friday could go into my EIB. I was tired, I had a headache, I am still sore, and my BP was high for me. She encouraged me to stay home and return Monday. She said she was going to tell my boss and she is not going to clear me. She asked a lot about my surgery as she was curious and she was very very very compassionate. She said “as nurses we take care of everyone else and rarely ourselves” she knows I felt guilty about making it tougher on my coworkers. She ensured me they could survive a day and a half without me and I needed to care for myself. She even gave me a big hug. She was just what I needed yesterday. I went home and glued myself to the couch. I napped on and off . It clearly needed it. I feel pretty good today. I will definitely be ready by Monday.

Before I left yesterday, I got a knock on the door. It was the electric guy coming to [censored] off my electric. There was a mix up between my old address and my new. The payments weren’t going through and I hadn’t been getting the bills. He had me call the number and pay. He was feeling so bad like he was taking my first born away from me. He told me since they merged woth another company, they have been sending out to shut off the electric of people who owe $300. It used to only be people who owed thousands and hadsnt paid for a year . My electric didn’t get [censored] off. But if it had been a normal work day, I would have indeed come home with no electricity .

I know it sounds corny, but I think the universe put some kindness and compassion in my path yesterday. It meant a lot.

Tonight I take D 11 and her friend to the movies. Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow and we can get out and do some gardening. Might invite M and his kid to do something together.

Things are going along as they should. I’m adjusting. Oh, and I have been sticking to this low carb diet and I finally decided to weight myself today. I haven’t been on a scale in months. But I think I knew what I was at. It seems as if I’m 11 lbs down, and 15 lbs off my goal weight. So I am encouraged to keep going . Maybe I’ll be getting some cute bikinis for summer. I can finally get a halter as it won’t hurt my neck anymore, lol. We’ll see,

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Going back to work tomorrow. Nooooo! I’m a little anxious over it, I don’t know why. Maybe because I enjoyed being home so much?? But I’m feeling much much better. Almost back to normal stuff. I was super busy and active this weekend and felt great. Yesterday was beautiful here and D11 and I went by M’s house to a beautiful park with his son and our dogs and took a really nice walk. We had a really nice time. Then D11 and I went to dinner with cousin and husband. Today we busted butt getting some gardening stuff and planting, cleaning dog poop out of the yard(yuck) going to the indoor farmers market, grilling a yummy dinner, then baking banana bread which was delicious but I can’t have. I deep cleaned the living room which really needed it. I need a landscaper so bad, though. I wish one would come!

M asked me if I wanted to see a concert end of June down the shore with him. of course said yes. He rented us a really cute bungalow by the beach for the night too. I am excited! Should be lots of fun, hopefully there will be good weather.

Still going pretty strong on this low carb diet and seeing results. I did have a scoop of ice cream yesterday because we went to one of the best ice cream places ever. Couldn’t resist. But I skipped any fries or onion rings or potatoes at dinner . Still determined to drop the weight.

On a sad note, it’s D11’s spring break. She will only be staying at my house Wednesday night. I don’t have off. She will be with her dad all weekend too next weekend. Not easy for me. And of course the only night I have her is really the only night I can see M. It is what it is, but I’ll miss her.

My dog got a nasty tick on our walk yesterday. Probably going to have to take him to the vet. Second one so far this year . Good news is he is finally calming down a bit, probably because I’ve been home and he’s been getting a lot more exercise with the nice weather. But I’ll take it.

Post op appointment tomorrow . First time seeing the surgeon since the surgery. Things are feeling better, not as sore and they are softening. He did do a great job.

Wish me luck at work tomorrow. Monday’s are the worst. Hoping it’s not too too busy

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Just checking on you. How are you doing? Glad you got a great job and the surgeon was a good one.

Beanie calmed down because you were home and provided attention. I am curious to see how he behaves once you are back at work again.

Have a great day!

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.
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Hi job! Thanks for checking on. I went back to work on Monday and I’ve been feeling good. Pretty tired by the end of the day, but that could be that I’m working 9 hours a day ( and getting paid for 7.5) and I have no carbs or sugar in my diet, lol. Monday I had my first post op with the surgeon. He looked at them and smiled and said “you definitely made the right decision, they look great!” Remember, he advised me to replace them because he didn’t know how good he could get them, but he was clearly satisfied with his work. So am I. I’m anxious to get back to the gym. This weekend I’m buying new bras. Beanie was very happy to have me home. I wish I could be a stay at home dog mom.

I only had D11 last night this week until Monday. We went out to dinner and tried to get her glasses fixed because the dog ate them! She needs a new pair and the ex says he is too broke to split them right now. We are going to try to get the same frames so we don’t have to replace the lenses. My ex has been saying he is very broke lately. How are they broke on a lawyer and court officer salary and I am single nurse salary over here? I’m staying afloat ( barely) . Whatever. OWW’s mother had triple bypass surgery a day ago. Today she wasn’t doing very well. D12 said she improving and daddy will call me later to tell me what’s going on so I can offer my medical explanation and point of view. Which I will do.

Then M had a dental emergency today. I had my dentist on the phone and he took care of him ( I have a very good repoire with my dentist) then I went grocery shopping and when I got home he was asking me what he should eat and he realized he had none of it. He has his son tonight so I offered to go and bring him stuff from the grocery store. So I went back to the store and drove him over some stuff. Hung out with him and his son for a bit and went home. He said to me I outdid myself with the way I handled his problems. I said I loved him didn’t want him to be in pain and I didn’t want him to have to drag his son out before bedtime to get food. He was very appreciative. I picked his son up a little Easter basket I saw too. His son enjoyed that. Saturday night we are going out and he invited me over Sunday for Easter dinner with his mom, brother and wife. I thought that was really nice. I’m looking forward to it. We had a really good time this past Tuesday. He came over after he dropped off his son. We just hung out for a while . He had to go home because his mom wasn’t going to be around to walk the dog. After you know what, we laid in my bed and just talked about everything for like 2 hours and he left at midnight. I can’t explain it, but we both told each other we had the best night and we were still smiling the next day. We didn’t go anywhere or do anything special, we just talked and connected.

I’m exhausted and I hope the ex calls soon so I can go to bed. I’m almost through my first well back!

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