Hi confused, Just thought I'd pop by your thread to say hi smile Remember what they say on here - believe none of what they say and half of what they do. Don't do what I do and confront them about this when you know they are blatantly lying. You won't get anywhere by doing this, I should know smile Pop by my thread sometime and join in the chat smile We talk about allsorts you know, not just our sitches smile My H is also a MLCer and he's so funny at times when he tries to act like a 20 year old again! lol. Just read the last thread, it'll take you ages to read all of my story smile

H47 me48
T22 M21
S20 - Got high functioning autism
3/2000 H admits to OW and moves out to live with her
11/2000 H moves back home
2/4/13 H moves out
H tells me he wants D 6/13, but now he can't afford to!