Originally Posted By: Mike.4545
Thanks for your words trapt. I actually do agree with you regarding the contact. I absolutely wouldn't tell her off or anything like that. I've treated her with nothing but kindness and respect for the last 7-8 months and have no desire to do anything but that now.

I think what I'll do is communicate with her only in terms of things that REQUIRE my involvement. Any buddy buddy, hows your day? type chat will not be initiated or responded to by me though.

This sounds really good.

I wish it had never gotten to this point, but yeah, I'm moving on for me only. I know I've done the best I could do...and I'm just done. I've held her hand and stayed by her for as long as I could...but where she's taking herself, I cannot follow. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm ready and comfortable with looking ahead and living my life without her.

I understand completely.

Don't stand still.