
Ya got you. I think the space she wants is emotional not physical. Some benefit to moving out in this respect but you'll loose out on opportunities to validate, connect, lead and all those "manly" virtues demanded of you and she may start an affair given she has it easy.

Really depends on the sitch. When my W indicated a desire to separate three years ago, I convinced her to stay and work on the marriage. I did GAL and change, which she acknowledged. We became better friends and talked more than we had in a long time. Our co-parenting became awesome. I implemented many of the DBing techniques pretty well.

Net result? Over a six month period, she secretly started an affair with an old flame, lied to me, used me, manipulated me, then moved out and brutalized me emotionally.

What would have worked when she initially said she wanted to separate was to give her what she wanted, on MY terms. She moves out, she provides for herself financially, we share custody, I give her absolutely nothing of myself, I immediately go out and start living my life for me, as a single man. Only then would she have truly understood the consequences of what she was doing.

Even after she left, I allowed her to have that precious "family time". All it did was allow her to cake eat, and delay her from coming to grips with what she was doing.