Well talked to my H today. Told him that if I just needed the physical sex I could do that myself so sex between us wasn't going to happen again w/out any intimancy. 1st boundry set?

Although we have told our kids (D29 & S25) and a a few others what is going on we haven't told anyone else. My H stated its no one elses business and he didn't plan on taking off his wedding ring until the end of the school year. I told him that I plan on telling my 86 year old parents tomorrow and by the end of the week the rest of my family will know (we both have large familes) and I also told him my wedding ring is coming off. I asked him if he could give me some reason not to start letting others know and he stated that He just didn't want to deal w/ the questions. It's all about him again.

I told him that if this is absolutely what he wanted then I need to move on and telling people was a start. Is this my 1st GAL move?

He started getting tears in his eyes. When I asked why he was crying he stated that he was thinking about me and my A. Which for some reason, maybe wishful thinking, I don't think is the truth. Instead of telling him to deal w/ it like I have, I told him that I was sorry that my affair was causing him pain. I told him that I am not asking him to forget about my A just asking that he forgive me and that I know there will be a process he will have to go through and that it takes time. My 1st 180 move?

Yet right now all I feel like doing is crying. I feel like I am beyond the last resort and I have already lost.