I had really hoped that this "affair" would be a very short-lived regrettable event in my wife's life. Since OM is leaving the country it is not likely to continue, unless they keep emailing and it maintains intensity.

Unfortunately, this escapist behaviour of my wife's is continuing. She has emailed him suggesting that they try and get together alone on a vacation, teasing him with the fact that we haven't had sex in months and she'd be more than ready. Up to this point they have still only kissed.

I am still trying my hardest to be supportive, loving, and a great person. My wife tells people that I am being all these things, but she still feels no passion for me. So, I am left wondering what to do. I have the feeling that attempting a 180 would only make it easier for her to feel nothing for me. Yes, I know that what I've been doing isn't working, but I haven't been at it for that long either.

Of course I'm also toying with other ideas to try to prevent them from seeing or communicating. Should I attempt these things? I could tell his partner who is still in the dark, I could manipulate communications to appear as they are both ending it, etc. Or, should I just continue to give her enough rope to hang herself.

I keep asking myself if I could be with her if they sleep together. I still don't have an answer for this, but knowing that she is aware of how I feel, that she's had ample time to end things, that she only can see him through extreme effort and deception, I can't see that I'd even want to be with somebody who is like this.

What advice to people have about doing a 180? How would that look in the case of a father of two who does most of the parenting, the housework, and just about everything? All my W likes to do recently is go on short holidays and sleep. Would she even notice?

Any suggestions would be great.
