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We are all going through such a difficult time right now, so I thought it might be helpful to take a moment to recognize some things we are thankful for, and maybe bring a little bit of light into our dark space.

-Laughter-I am so blessed to still be able to laugh. It is true when they say that laughter is the best medicine

-My boys-who are evolving in to fine young men

-My friends-who have picked me up when I was down, and have helped me recognize that my flaws are actually strengths
All the wonderful people on this board who have become good friends. I am so thankful that I was able to meet such amazing people that I most likely wouldn't have if I hadn't been in this situation.

-Most importantly, to God. He has made me see that this dark period in my life is an opportunity to shine
brighter than I ever thought imaginable. He has helped me to see all the potential I have and to strive to be the best woman I can be. Without Him, I wouldn't be able to get through any of this.

"Everyone you meet has baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack."
¤Formerly DelinquentGurl¤
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Joined: Sep 2011
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Good list DG and good thread. It was hard this morning... nothing from W though also not expected since she worked this morning. But this isn't for lamenting...

- My son. Through all this he is a ray of sunshine and humor. He loves everyone and has such a big, sensitive heart. I never thought you could love someone else as much as I love him.

- My stepdaughter. She is growing into a smart, strong young woman. I am eager to see what she will become. Hopefully she will take the better angels of my W.

- My stepson. He is a very good big brother and has many talents that lie awaiting development. He tries hard and will have a great life.

- My mom. She moved across the state two years ago to be closer to her grandson and step-grandkids. I am thankful every day that she is close and supportive.

- My friends. While they really don't know what's going on, they provide distraction and focus outside of this.

- My church. The community there has been amazing!

- My wife. Yes, I am thankful for her. While she may be creating incredible pain right now she also provided me years of love and support, plus she gave me my son. This sitch shall pass and we will find a new way to interrelate, whether as H and W or as something else. But much of the above would not exist in my life without her.

- My job and profession. In today's economy it's good to be employed smile I am thankful for a job that lets me be creative and free, and that makes a difference in the lives of people who need help.

- Everyone on this board... though if I had one wish it would be that we could shut this down and all be having a Thanksgiving where we were thankful for healthy, functioning families.

- And to some degree this sitch. It has shown me important things and changes. It has helped me grow.

Married 6 together 8
Me:38 W:31 second marriage for both
SS12, SD10, S6
Bomb: 9/8/11 (day before our 5 yr ann)
W moved out: 2/18/12
D final: 11/12/12
Share S 50/50. Spend as much time as I can with SS & SD
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Love this DG! I was already thinking how much I do have to be thankful for despite everything going on.

- My daughter. Having her changed me forever and made me want to be a better person. She is so full of life, I can not imagine my life without her.

- My parents. I just don't know what I would have done without them. They have always been supportive, and while they may not agree with all of my decisions they let me live my life.

- My friends. This sitch has made me realize what great friends I have, and I have some amazing new friends as well, both here on this MB and elsewhere.

- Things we often take for granted, like my health, a roof over my head and food on the table. There are so many that don't have even that much.

- My renewed relationship with God. My faith has really pulled me through this. I know He has a plan for my life, and whenever I start to falter I feel His presence.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! smile

M 40
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Bomb: 5/2011
S 5/2011
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Great Idea.

I have alot to be thankful for. Each year my w and I instead of praying would just rant a list of "stuff". And although I still have my list, I think though this experience, I come to realize that all of my list falls under an umbrella.. so I'm thankful for the man who holds the umbrella.

I'm thankful for God and his unconditional love for me. Because of this, I can also be thankful for:

The friends that I am/have and building relationships with them.
The open heart to finally start forgiving my father
The courage to rebuild relationships with my mother and my sister
The door that has opened to become a more involved aunt (the power of FB!)
The Confidence that I am a strong enough AD that I will be financially ok
The will power to take the higher road, even when it hurts.
The Ability to love others when they are clearly being unlovable
The strength to keep fighting, when I feel like I feel like I have no fight left in me or nothing left to fight for.
The patience to accept people for who they are vs. who I want to be
The opportunity to make mistakes but to learn from them
The knowledge that my sitch happened so I could become a better Val.
The wisdom that has been given so I can help people who are going through similar struggles.
The ability to change.
The ability to forgive.
The ability to love.

I have a lot to be thankful for.. but I'm most thankful to God. Because w/o him, this list wouldn't be possible.

Happy Turkey Day! or Tofurkey Day!

M(f): 40
D'ed: 8/12

Show empathy when there's pain. Show grace when warranted. Kindness in the midst of anger. Faith in the face of fear.

Love at all costs because you are loved well.
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Joined: Jul 2011
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Fabulous idea! I find that thinking of things that I'm thankful for when I'm feeling blue is a good way to buck myself back up again. Like realormakebeliev said, there are so many good things we have in life that we too often take for granted. My sitch has allowed me to become thankful for these things again.

My list:

--The God, the GROWTH! In some ways, as painful and unnecessary as my sitch feels, it almost feels like it SHOULD have happened. It has allowed me to grow in ways that I wouldn't have otherwise.
--Michelle, DR, and this web site! When my sitch struck, I was a pathetic puddle of a man who felt completely alone and powerless in the world. Now I've taken back my life with a group of people who know exactly how I feel and are able to provide advice & commiseration whenever I need it. This place is a Godsend!
--My job. I'm not exactly packing away the dough, but I still am able to pay for all of my bills and even have a little bit extra at the end of the month for fun stuff. I almost lost it because I was quitting when my sitch happened, but I was fortunate in that my work still needs people in my position. And some of my co-workers are great friends!
--My writing. It has been something special to me since I was 12 years old, but now it has become more of a reason to live than ever. Stephen King has a great quote in "On Writing" that goes, "Life is not a support system for art. It's the other way around." So true!
--My family, especially my little sister. We've always gotten along better than most siblings, but the fact that we both got mercilessly dumped by our others around the same time has allowed us to bond into awesome friends.
--My dwarf rabbit. He has been a wonderful, cuddly room-mate during this time (as much as he annoys me by chewing on the furniture).
--My in-laws. They were very supportive and gracious to me when this all happened, even hiring people to help move my stuff into my apartment. Part of my desire for recon comes from the ability to be close to them again. They truly have been a second family to me.
--My wife. True, she has hurt me more deeply than anything else ever has in my life, but I do not for one second regret the R that I shared with her for 5 1/2 years. There were good times, bad times, and really terrible times, but no matter what kind of times they were, they helped me become the man I am today.
--The simple stuff. Food in my belly. My health. Coffee every morning. The sun in the morning, the stars at night. Walks any time of day. A home where I don't fear getting shot or mugged. The thermostat that provides the heat during these winter months. Etc. into infinity.
--God, of course!

Happy T-day, all! It will be a solo Denny's T-day for me, but I'll still enjoy the heck out of it!

Us: mid-20s
T: 5.5 yrs
M: 2 yrs
S + OM: 6/21/11
Legally S'd: 9/9/11

In this life, you have a limited amount of mental currency. You get what you pay for, so spend it wisely.

So it goes. --Kurt Vonnegut

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