in talking to a friend, I am thinking that H is using his "depression" as a crutch. Dont get me wrong, I do believe H is depressed. But I also think he is using it as a means to RUN! If every person who was depressed got divorced, then no one would be married! Most people would want a supportive friend/wife/support person in their life... granted i do NOT want to be his friend or support, but still... he keeps pushing!

I am so hurt. i would wake up and H would be texting or calling saying let me know when you wake up, and he'd run right over and we spent a lot of time together. the other night he said I will be there to see the baby, but I dont have to see him every day. WHAT?//???? Who says that? How did he go from obsessing over his son, to not caring?

For those of you who are not familiar with my sitch, I am NOT doing the custody thing. me and the baby are a package deal... no you dont have to be married to me, but the baby lives with me and you have to get through me to see him!

When he came to see the baby, I tried to get lost. I'd go wash clothes, clean up in the kitchen, take a shower... I wanted to a) give him his alone time b) he needs to realize that "we" are no longer H + W but now just coparents. What does he do... he follows me around the house.

I dont get him! Again, my friend (who is a psychologist) said she feels that H is 50% over us, and 50% confused as to what he wants. I agree. But not even 1% of him wants to get back together. She thinks that H thinks I will always be here waiting for him. She is right again.

So being the worlds worst DBer... I am out to do all the DB techniques I officially suck at!

GAL - A must! Although my life is all about being a mommy!
180 - Definitely! I am not begging or chasing but I keep talking
us and in an angry tone ask what went wrong etc. NO MORE!

I am NOT doing this to win H back. I am doing this is to work on me!!!!

I just need to start living life for me and the baby.

H needs to work on himself.