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Agree with Elle,

Your reading too much into a short note. Could be those other things. How about..."okay and yes xxx can watch S3". Don't make this so hard. You have to start somewhere and no, it isn't the movies.

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt

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You control the chips or lock to the sex. Your have to make the decision for yourself. I would love to sit with my wife and talk or spend a evening together without our son. You will learn alot from what happens.

"A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." Proverbs 17:27-28
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If I was there with you in person, I would just take you out to pasture and put you out of your misery.

I am just teasing. But seriously, what can we do so you can start seeing things through rose-colored glasses?

Please promise me that you will not talk about the relationship Friday. Yes, you can say it all again later, but not on Friday. Take things day by day for now. Enjoy the time with him. Don't do this to try and win him back. Do this so you can realize that "acting if" can put a whole new positive spin on things. Your mind can be so powerful. I know I said I hated Dr. Phil, but another good statement he makes.... "You will create what you fear."

I think your email that you sent him sounded perfect. Now, he acknowledged your boundaries and worries so let it go. There is no need to mention it again. You have a kind and sweet heart. I can just sense that about you through your writings. I think this is what your husband loves about you too.

I know how you are thinking. We all do! We were all just like you. Shoot, we still are! It is just easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. Your husband has stomped your trust into the dirt. You have got to forgive him though, or you are going to grow to be a bitter old lady. Do you want that! Just teasing......

I think his email sounded sweet by the way. You have done a good job now continue your hard work so you can be a success. We need another success on this board!

Enjoy your hard work for now! You are going to have plenty of posts on the piecing board when you wish things were as simple as they are today. Marriage is hard but it is better than being an old lonely maid. Then again maybe it isn't.

You got a date with your husband! What are you going to wear?

P.S. The part about him on his knees begging for forgiveness.....I am going to find a piece in a book that I read about this and post it for you. It helped me realize that your marriage can work without this ever happening. He is seeing things from his perspective not yours. I think he will apologize to you one day, but by the time he does, you will have probably already forgiven him. That's what happened to me. The lesson God is teaching you is about you not him.

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Thanks guys. It's interesting how the same email can be interpreted differently by different people. I was ticked off by his cheapness (I mean, after what he did to me especially those nasty things during the divorce process, he can't even take me out, that really turned me off), but yes, we have to start somewhere and the chicken and salad dinner at home it is then for us...

I replied to him by simply saying "okay, XXX can take care of S3 this Friday. I will go pick him up after dinner".

I wanted to keep it light but at the same time I wanted to imply that I am not planning on spending the entire night with H by saying that I need to go pick up S3. Come'on, H cannot expect me to sleep with him after his casual suggestions of the "noodles (what he suggested yesterday)" dinner and eating at home on Friday! If I left my family when my spouse and baby were crying, and decided to come home nearly a year later for my own selfish reasons, I won't be so casual about our M while expecting the partner to have sex with me (well if I were the guy, that is - I guess if I offer sex even if H was mad at me, he would have accepted the offer )

This is the guy who initially said to me that he never loved me but lusted me - he should not be thinking of having sex!!!

My friend is worried but I do not think H would FORCE me to do anything - well I hope not..., after all, he hasn't had sex for a long time. I will have my cell phone in my pocket in case..., no just kidding, I don't think he will be THAT bad.

Actually, it might be a good thing that H has acted the way he did. I am not excited about Friday night. Like I said, I am actually turned off, so I know I will not easily give him the impression that I will be welcoming him back with open arms.

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I was just re-reading Just' old posts - if you do not mind, Just, for me to quote this - this is what it said:

"You might wonder why I am even here when I say that at this point I'm leaning towards not trying again. A lot of painful water went under the bridge. I'll give it a month, but honestly, she was so successful at pushing me away, that I don't know exactly what I feel for her anymore. I'm not sure she is in a place emotionally to make me fall in love with her again and she can't have me back without that. I gave her almost all of 2005. 2006 is mine. She needs to make an effort now to be part of it."

This is how I feel now. I wanted reconciliation so much but I am not sure at this moment if I still have such strong feelings left for H. And I cannot trust him either. So I guess this is very common and normal... H will have to PROVE himself though. I am not going through the hell I went through last year EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!

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I have been suggested that H and I meet at the "neutral" place tonight. In a way, I am not too comfortable having H over alone at my place. My friends are worried about his potentially harming me physically, but I am not worried about that (though, who knows... I was wrong about him SO MANY TIMES!!!). Instead, I am worried that he might take things out the house, etc.

I am considering sending H an email suggesting to meet at somewhere in public instead. He should not get offended by this, should he? Or if he did, he does not think what he has done to me was a big deal...

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Okay, I sent H the email this morning suggesting that we meet outside instead. His reply?

Yes -that is fine

See you then


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly doubt that he understands the significance of what he has done to his family!!!

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and then?

can you give us an update?


my last thread : Lost in his MLC
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Leaving now..., will give you updates.

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Went out to dinner with STBX. I tried to be casual, but it was hard at the beginning to even smile at him. After all he hurt me so much that I thought my life was ending. How can I pretend I am so happy to see him???

But I tried. I was already ticked off that he did not open the door for me nor pulled the chair for me. NONE. He just grabbed the menu and decided what he wanted. No asking me what I wanted or anything.

So I just ordered whatever I like. Then we started talking. Again, I did not bring up our M issues. I was going to let him talk.

H started:
H: ", do you think we can try again?"
Me: "I don't know."
H: "Do you think we have patience for each other?"
M: "It's not about the patience...., just that too much water went under the bridge and I am not sure if I can trust again."
H: "hmmm"
M: "...., what made you want to try again, what has changed?"
H: "..., what do you think we need to do?"
M: "No, I want to know what your plans are for this."
H: "What, you think only I NEED TO CHANGE??"
M: "H, I am not saying that, but you LEFT and you were so adamant about the divorce - why changed your mind now?"
H: "...I never want to feel like before, ever again, I felt suffocating. And this (leaving and filing for divorce) was my way of showing you that I was serious."
M: "So did you file for divorce to let me know you were serious??"
H: "...."

While we were talking, I tried to lighten up the scene a bit by talking about the food here and there.

H: "You were always upstairs in the bathroom or doing something alone and we never watched movies together or cuddled together, that has to change."
M: "We can watch movies together, yes, I can change that, but sometimes I just need to take my time to relax in the bathroom."
H: "Yea, I know... So if we are going to give us a second chance, we can take some program together or something - something should be available, don't you think? (I had an urge to tell him about marriage coaching sessions, but for now decided not to go into too much details, so I was just nodding) And... I do not ever want to go back to our MC we used a couple of times."
Me: "You didn't like him?"
H: "No, he said 'I'm surprised you two have lasted this long'."
Me: "He didn't say that."
H: "Yes, he did."

This was news to me. We went to see this old man only a couple of times, and thought H did not want to go back b/c the counselor pointed out H's issues (addictions, laziness, lies, weak personality, etc.) immediately and thought H was very uncomfortable. I seriously do not recall hearing him saying that our M should have ended sooner. I think H misheard him, but that's okay, I let go.

Then we started talking about our jobs, and he mentioned that he posted his resume on the web and has been receiving many phone calls from companies and headhunters.

Me: "Are you looking for a job again?"

He just started this new job last May - before losing his job only after one year, and prior to that, he lost his good paying job after three years. But on average, he has been changing his jobs EVERY TWO YEARS. He always claims he has issues with people/bosses, but if this happened to him for 8 times, he should realize that the common factor = HIM!!!

H: "No, I am just testing the market."
M: "... (not believing him AT ALL)"
H: "Well, okay, I got a pretty bad review, to be honest with you, but it's okay, I'm not worried."
M: "... (that's what he has said the past several times...)"
H: "My boss is a nagger, you know, and he pisses me off."
H: "How is your job?"
M: "It's good, I've been busy."
H: "You always get good bosses and you always do well in your job (NO! I just do not blame my bosses for my under-performance! Yes, I have always had good relationships with my bosses and colleagues in all the jobs I have had in the past)."
M: "No, I actually got a bad review myself this time, b/c I basically could not work the most of last year. I was always crying in my office with the door always being closed. So I knew I was not performing. When I got a review, my boss asked if I had any comments or questions, so I told him 'no, I think this is a fair review. I did not perform last year, I am sorry'. Then he said 'I actually heard that you are going through some personal difficulties. Please let us know if there is anything we can do, b/c we are on your side.' You know, they did not have to be that nice to me, they are not my family, but they did, so I decided this year to work much harder - it's time for me to return something to them. So I've been working hard and producing much more reports and they are happy about that."

H: "That's good. It was hard for me too, I had this fear..."
M: "What fear?"
H: "A fear of loneliness and abandonment (YOU abandoned us, hello?). But I did not want that to be the reason for me to come back. Because I love S3 to death... (no mention of ME)"
M: "But the S3 factor has always been there, it's not like he was just born yesterday - you were okay with leaving him 10 months ago."
H: "..."

We also talked about his sex addiction a bit, but not much, b/c I sensed that he was probably uncomfortable talking about it in public. We had a few nice laughs when we talked about S3. He also mentioned his debt and asked me to give him the bank letters whenever I receive them (this debt is related to his arrest in June 2004).

So basically these are the conversations we had. Then we left the restaurant. I did not feel comfortable to give him a hug, so we just walked out to the parking lot together, but that was it. He came out to my car to check on the license sticker and said to me "it's due in May, so if you receive a mail, you need to include it and return with your check, okay."
M: "Okay"
H: "I wrote to the states asking to send the letter (I received one before but apparently discarded it) to XXX (my address), so if you receive it, I need to have it."
M: "Okay"
H: "Drive safe."
M: "Yea, thanks, you too."

So it wasn't bad, but I really think TO THIS DATE he still believes that I was the source of his unhappiness and I need to change a big time. I know there are many things I can improve, so that part is fine, but I do not think he thinks leaving his family like he did and how he handled the whole D thing (lies, lies, and lies) was horrible.

I will continue to have dialogue with him, but not have any high expectations. Also, I have to be honest. The whole job situation really disappoints me. He has an MBA, just like me, yet he just cannot perform. He always ends up disliking his bosses and colleagues. Then he blames them for his not doing a good job. And I know he feels inadequate b/c I have always performed better than him. Why can't he realize that it's HIM? How many jobs does he have to hold in order to realize this? In our M he also blamed me and still does. In the end, nothing has changed. Whether it's his job or M, it's always someone else's fault.

I have so many weaknesses and short comings, but one thing is that I have always had good friends, bosses and colleagues. Can't he think that MAYBE I am not such a bad person after all, and I MAY be capable of maintaining good relationships with others, and I MAY not be the only one to be blamed in our M....???

Baby steps...., if I choose to take them... if I think he will realize HE has many issues and become more humble....

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