Hi Jessie. As you may suspect, especially if you re-read various posts out here about MLCers, they are predictably unpredictable. There is little if any point to trying to figure them out. Your H will be all over the board, not unlike a teenager who wants everything...and then nothing....who is in a good mood.... and then a bad mood....or a chilled-out mood. You're unlikely to find good reasons as to why. I discourage you from trying to figure out why he is behaving this way and stay focused on yourself and your kids.

To me, it feels like too much of a convenient turnaround given the timing of your "enhancements". It still seems like he doesn't know what he wants and, until you see more sustained and consistent change from him, you should continue work on yourself. Think about what you would need to see from him for a solid period in terms of real change....before I'd even THINK too seriously about sex again.

It is normal for people to come close...and then withdraw...they just aren't confident in themselves or what they want....thus the idea that they're trying to have their cake and eat it to...and get flustered when those urges are denied or stopped by their spouse/partner.

I hope your recovery from the procedures goes well and that you get the personal boost in your well-being that you're hoping for.