Good Morning aph

Signing divorce papers, seeing your names written upon the document, stirs up more grief and feelings. Getting the agreement officially complete by courts/judge, brings about some more too.

Be gentle on yourself and realize these too are temporary feelings. Be extra vigilant for the next while when making major decisions/changes. A bit of purposeful effort and your intellect and reason will be more front and center. Personally, I find that kind of cool, realizing and adjusting our self’s priorities like that.

Originally Posted by aphexx13
i feel like [censored] for opting to leave my cat. i think its for the best as i dont want to drag her out of a place shes use to, and be cooped up in 1 room i have to rent. im sure she will miss the other 2 cats as well and the kids. im very conflicted on how i feel. she will miss me as well, and i feel like im abandoning her.

Perfectly normal to feel such. This is a loss, a significant loss, you will grieve that companionship. Yet, you know why you made the decision. The reasoning is sound, and the decision is the best one out of the choices you had.

Stay strong and keep moving forward.