Good morning, great people in this DB forum. I hope you're doing as well as possible. Work has been crazy so between that and juggling prep for both marital counseling and D mediation, I've not made time to check in or post.

Things are going well. I've kept up GALing, working out, and balancing detachment with positively approaching our upcoming resumption of counseling. D13 is handling things well, regularly checking in with me about the situation (since W is less forthcoming). D13 has a good therapist, caring grandparents, and supportive friends.

Some leadership changes at work are also boding well for me in terms of opportunities to step up which would be great timing. I continue to feel quite at peace about the potential outcomes of my current DB effort.

Hope to post more this weekend. Hang in there to those of you at an earlier point in the process or struggling to find some hope. You have to do what is in your control to try and boost your happiness.