Good Morning MA

Congratulations on the gym! And the continued walking.

Originally Posted by MA1970
I'm really struggling with why I feel so attached to H.

A little advice. Wording. Your mind is always listening and crafting your world view.

Originally Posted by MA1970
My life is better than it was, I look better and my world is definitely bigger but I really struggle with how he could leave me for OW. She looks trashy, has no morals & he's her third man in less than a year.

The word “but”. It is concatenating multiple views together and reinforcing attachment. Detachment starts by identifying and individualizing one’s thoughts, which one then expresses/reinforces in/with one’s speech. This then influences one’s emotions and beliefs.

Untie H, his behaviour, trashy OW, and her behaviour from your big bright life, world, and future. “My life is better than it was, I look better and my world is definitely bigger.” Absolutely! Do not detract from, nor diminish, your accomplishments and gains.

Separate thoughts. Separate sentences and paragraphs. With such organizing, you can strengthen your positive thoughts, and let go/detach the other a little easier.

Originally Posted by MA1970
Forward planning: I've got a night out booked in at the weekend for cocktails with a few close friends. I've bought myself a new outfit & aim to look as gorgeous as I can! We'll then be on countdown to hols.


Enjoy the night out with your friends.

Ah, two weeks until holidays. Any particular plans for the time off?

Have a great day MA.