Ok, I was finishing up some end-of-the-month stuff and up late and a little slap-happy, so I got an enormous chuckle when reading this. Seems a little like "who's on first." Bttrfly I don't mean to be flippant about your obvious concerns, but the circular talk is quite funny.

So I haven't been hanging out here but I think what they are getting at is that it is a support board based on Michelle's books about saving marriages through Divorce Busting (TM) so they want to focus on the DB principles and the mission of the site. They probably don't want newbies coming here and getting scared by after the big D section and talk.

Just because you don't talk to your ex-h, doesn't mean you can't DB in your life--friends, relatives, tradespeople, workmates, pets, etc. I think we can all see the value of the DB principles in many areas of life. If Michelle hasn't yet written a book that is applying the principles outside the divorce setting, she should. (Here's a little suggestion for her, build a family of BUSTING marks--DRAMA BUSTING, BRAT BUSTING, HABIT BUSTING, etc.)

Pretty clearly they are trying to leave the door open for you guys to post and discuss the support-related issues. My guess is that this could also be a means to address some of the tattle-telling and complaining that seems to go on from time to time when things get a little heated (with associated disappearances and rumored bannings). Admins, do keep in mind that the First Amendment is truly what makes this country great. The remedy for speech you don't like is more speech, not censorship. We are the ones who choose to be hurt by words--we don't have to make that choice.

Frankly, I've always thought there were way too many sections for the number of people who regularly post. I don't know why they don't collapse them to 2 (I would keep a newcomer's section and then put everyone else into one in their newly labeled section). Newcomers are too raw, it's too much to think about everything that comes later.

Hope all of you are doing well!