Hi RT,

I don't post much but I did read some of your stitch before this thread and just wanted to say congrats. I completely agree with puppy and allen...make sure you have full transparency and a GOOD family therapists. I am also currently reconciling with husband and things are moving in a great direction but we could not have made half the steps we have made without the direction of our family therapists. The transparency stuff was easy for some things and hard for others but it is imperative. Don't worry about what other people think either. You did what you had to do for you and your family. When you start letting other people's negative perspective come into you marriage that can bring problems. Stay strong and remember the great person that you are :-)

Me: 28
H: 32
1st marriage 4 both
1 1/2 year married
2gether for 9
1S: 6months
1stepson: 2yo