When I was still really struggling with things, I had about a dozen or so sticky notes with inspirational quotes and personal goals stuck to my mirror. I’d read them every morning before I went to work. I also had a mantra that was introduced to me by DnJ…the ever popular “choose better not bitter”. I said that over and over to myself countless times. I also wrote some on a list in my phone so I could read them throughout the day when I found myself going down a negative path. It really helped me to stay on track.
Some of my faves…
“It is truly a frightening thing to face, see, and embrace the unknown, but you can do this. all it takes is opening your mind and heart to the vast and endless possibilities of what you can become within yourself.”
“He REPRESENTS stability, validation, and a resumption of your ability to have control over your future. That is really what you want, you want what he represents to you based on where you are right now. Step back and realize he is NOT those things.”
“Boundaries are the first line of defense to preserve your self respect.”
“Acceptance, forgiveness and healing are required in order to become completely whole within yourself.”
"What is best for my kids is best for me" Amor Fati Link to quotes: https://www.divorcebusting.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2879712