Originally Posted by SteveLW
The rules of engagement with her at this point should be really simple: Do not initiate contact. If she does, then: If it is informational then you have no reason to respond. If it is a question, then answer it only after some time has passed (not right away) and in as few words as possible. Yes or no questions get yes or no answers.

This is what it looks like:

Her: "I need to come by in the next couple of weeks to get my clothes."

INFORMATIONAL, no response necessary.

2 days later: HER: "Did you get the message about needing to come by and get my clothes?"

QUESTION. After 2 hours, YOU: "Yes."

2 days later HER: "You never told me when I can come to get my clothes, does 7/10 work?"

YOU, after an hour: "Yes."

HER: "Ok what time?"

After another hour YOU: "Anytime after 10am until 2pm. Then anytime after 5pm."

HER: Okay, I will be there at noon. Thank you."

No question from her, the exchange is over.

"What is best for my kids is best for me"
Amor Fati
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