Wow. WWs have all the power. That statement makes me want to punch myself in the dick. May’s husband has a two year love affair and he’s the prize and has all the power. Steve’s has multiple EAs that he knows about and she’s the prize and has all the power. I guess that is why the recon rate is low. Again Detach, GAL 180 is great. While you’re at it you mind as well say “if you love someone set them free and if it was meant to be they will come back”.

Let’s pretend for a second he takes your advice and a miracle happens and she comes around in a couple years. The minute he lets his guard down she walks again. A quick google search will tell you a cheater is 350% more likely to do it again then someone who hasn’t cheated.

If he gets bombed again then he moves on and finds someone better. He did it once he can do it again.

Watch the YouTube link below for a better understanding of WWs.

Jacko Willink

How to get over break ups and betrayals