I agree Corey's words weren't the best, e.g. “When men become the women in their relationships by becoming.. unsure of themselves"--he asserts low confidence is feminine. A study of ASU students with a 3.3 GPA found that men believed they were smarter than 66% of other students, while women felt they were smarter than 54% of other students. There's a gap, but both genders generally believed in themselves. When dating, I don't seek out "unsure of themselves" as feminine. Confidence is sexy in any gender!
Originally Posted by Ready2Change
I believe the wife wants a partner, not a man behaving like a child. A man making decisions is attractive. Most men here need a boost in confidence and a new set of skills to get them headed in the right direction.
Maybe we can replace Corey's quote with Ready2Change's quote, the idea without the gender stereotype? (: